Article Archive

Scott McCloud’s ‘The Right Number’ Online

I saw this over at Boing Boing and it triggered my interest as we’ve talked a lot about digital comics…

The Justice League gets animated… again in ‘The Batman’

TV Guide Online brings us the news that the Justice League will be appearing in upcoming episodes of The Batman,…

Destination: Windy City and ‘Around Comics’

Howdy, as you may or may not know, I’m going to be in Chicago for the second half of this…

Heath Ledger is a very blurry Joker (UPDATE)

Superherohype has posted some blurry photographs that someone snapped of Heath Ledger in full (?) Joker garb walking around the…

‘Ultimate Spider-Man #111’ Preview: “Bagley you say? Hmmm… Nope, doesn’t ring a bell”

The first previews from Ultimate Spider-Man #111 are up on the web today, and for the first time, we see…

Five Reasons Why Christian Bale is the Best Batman Ever

I realize we’ve done this for other characters, but I found this post asserting what the headline says, and while…

Edward Norton is…

… the new Dr. Bruce Banner. Or Dr. David Bruce Banner. Or Dr. David Banner. Either way, he’s the new…

Comics Podcast Crossover! iFanboy invades ‘The Uncanny X-Cast’

Itching for more X-Men talk? I had the distinct pleasure of joining Brian and Rob, the hosts of The Uncanny…

‘World of WarCraft’ Addiction: I Know Their Pain

It’s a well known fact that the three of us at iFanboy are all recovering World of Warcraft addicts. And…

Scott Kurtz Gets in (Another) Fight

This is a few days old, but I saw this exchange between PvP‘s Scott Kurtz, and some other web comic…