Article Archive

The Picks of the Week of 2008 – By The Numbers!

Who got Picked the most and how often? Is Ron still the reigning Marvel Zombie or was 2008 the year that Josh let his Marvel freak flag fly?  Let’s find out!

New Comics for 01/07/09 missed Wednesday

Wednesday draws nigh and there’s a lot to take in this week, so make sure you do your homework here!

User Reviews Are Back to the Grind

Alright now!  Enough of this holiday nonsense.  Back to work we go.  These poor bastards worked right through the weekend: 

The iFanboy Letter Column – 01/02/2009!

Look at that!  It’s Friday, so it’s time to thin the iFanboy mailbag and get to some answering.  Keep sending your questions!

It’s 2009! Happy New Year from iFanboy!

10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2…

DON’T MISS: Incognito #1

The genius behind Sleeper and Criminal is back with a new tale.  Incognito #1 hits stores this week.

The iFanboy Christmas Gift Exchange of 2008

Every year the iFanboys buy each other comics for Christmas.  How did it go this year?

New Comics for 01/02/09 swear that this will be the year they get back in shape!

Friday (or Wednesday in some countries) draws nigh and there’s a lot to take in this week, so make sure you do your homework here!

User Reviews Had a Bit Much Holiday Cheer

The All Media podcast meant we didn’t talk about this past week’s comics!  Oh, but you know the iFanbase is there to take up the slack.  This week, we thank Templar, DoctorColossus, gat0rl1vebeatz, and akamuu for the assist.

Happy Holidays from iFanboy! (Plus the holiday schedule)

Holiday time!  Yay!