Article Archive

Martian Manhunter: Where Do I Start?

He’s big, he’s green, and he’s misunderstood.

Remake & Reboot: THE SHADOW Comic Series

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? Give us a good comic series and we’ll find out!

NYCC 2011: A Taste of Comics & Foodspotting Deliver the NYCC Food Guide

Heading to NYC for the con? Here’s where to grab a bite!

Light Week? Try Black Panther: The Most Dangerous Man Alive #524, Absolute Identity Crisis, and The Shade #1

It’s your moment, don’t stand down, step up and try something new!

Top 5: Inventions They Should Have Gotten Rich Patenting Instead of Becoming Dopey Super-Villains

Make bank or rob banks. It’s really no contest.

DC Relaunch Month One – By the Numbers

Batman wins! Hawk and Dove loses! It’s actually not that simple at all!

New Comics for 10.12.2011 is New York bound

Get to pulling your books and then tell the world what you’re excited for!

The iFanboy Letter Column – 10.07.2011

We get letters. Lots of letters. This week: Baseball, the great digital comics conspiracy, and Pick of the Week streaks.

Weekly Sketch Up – 10.07.2011

A thing of the swamp, some Buckys, and a Flashbacca.

The Best of the Week in Covers – 10.05.2011

Hope you didn’t eat breakfast yet.