New Comics for 10.05.2011 likes socks

Get to pulling this Wednesday’s books, and then let us know what you’re looking forward to most, what you’re dropping, what others should be buying and anything you’re thinking. Be heard, because we need you, iFanbase!

What are the iFanboys buying? Check their pull lists out here: Conor, Ron, and Josh.

And what about the rest of the staff? What are they buying? Check out their pull lists: Dave, Jim, Paul, Mike, Chris, Tom, Molly, Ryan, Josh, Ben, Ali, Chris and Matt.

This week Conor has the Pick of the Week!

Bonus Question: What do you like?


  1. Ah, normalcy returns. But a HUGE week in terms of titles, all A material right here.

    Action Comics #2, Chew #21, Severed #3, Swamp Thing #2, Sweet Tooth #26, and Thunderbolts #164

    BQ: This feels like a trick question…..I like everything! No wait, I don’t like anything!…How about, I like some things but not everything?

  2. Animal Man #2, Swamp Thing #2, Severed #3, Sweet Tooth #26, iZombie #18…lots to be excited about.

    BQ; I like pecan pie and maps.

  3. Animal Man #2 (even got my wife to read #1 and she loved it!), Severed #3, X-Men Schism #5. Also really intrigued by the new Penguin limited series.

    BQ: I like New York. Mostly in June. How about you?

  4. Just Men of War # 2, Red Lantern #2, and X-Men Schism #5 for me this week.

    BQ: Wouldn’t you like to know?

  5. Looking forward to Thunderbolts and MoonKnight.

    BQ: I like liking things

  6. A 13 book week. Some pretty cool stuff.

    BQ: My wife (I’m not stupid. I know the right answer) 😛

  7. I’m getting Animal Man #2, Swamp Thing #2, Detective Comics #2, Action Comics #2, Penguin #1, Severed #3 and just maybe Huntress #1.

    BQ: I like traveling.

  8. Ditching Red Lanterns, trying out Huntress mini.

    Most excited for Schism 5.

    When does Justice League #2 come out?

    BQ: i like about 75% of the DC relaunch that i did read.

  9. Animal Man, Swamp Thing, X-Men Schism, Action Comics, Stormwatch, Justice League International, OMAC, X-Men

    BQ: I like my iPad.

  10. Animal Man, Swamp Thing, Invincible and Walking Dead.

    Bonus: Sleep.

  11. I’m pulling approximately everything:

    CHEW #21
    SEVERED #3 (OF 7)

    BQ: Apparently I like spending all my money on comics.

  12. ANIMAL MAN #2
    FEAR AGENT #31
    HULK #42
    O.M.A.C. #2
    SEVERED #3 (OF 7)
    X-MEN: SCHISM #5 (OF 5)

    Dropped Stormwatch and Detective like nobodies business, but ended up getting other stuff in their stead. It never ends.

    BQ: In order; Comics, my fiancee, tacos. I am also quite enamored with Pensacola/Gulf Breeze area of Florida. One weekend there, and I’m ready to GTFO of the Atlanta suburbs for good.

  13. ALRIGHT! Week 6 of the new 52 number 1’s…… oh wait….it’s over.

    BQ: I like the smell of napalm in the morning

  14. CHEW #21
    O.M.A.C. #2

    This is an amazing week. Shouldn’t JL2 be out?

  15. Only 4 books this week.
    Action #2
    Animal Man #2
    Swamp Thing #2
    Schism #5

    I like girls with big …eyes?

    Justice League #2 is coming out October 19

    • will it be continuing this sect-weekly (?) or is it just already running late.

    • It’s neither running late or set to ship every six weeks in the future. The release of #1 was moved up to make it an event it should be coming out the third week of every month going forward according to Jim Lee.

  16. Physical Books: Action Comics
    Digital Pulls: Maybe Stormwatch and JLI. With that being said, I might wait a month, see if the buzz is good and buy them cheeper.

    BQ: I like one thing – pie. Pie and ice cream. OK, I like two things, pie and ice cream. And cold milk, definitely cold milk. On second though, I like three things – pie, ice cream and cold milk. With chocolate sauce. Alright the four things I like…

  17. Action #2
    Animal Man #2 (and the reprint of #1. I got it digitally and liked it so much I want the physical copy now)
    Blood Red Dragon #0 (saw the preview from Comic-Con and I’m intrigued)
    Detective #2
    Severed #3
    Swamp Thing #2

    BQ: I’m loving IDW’s new Ghostbusters book! If you’re a fan of the movie at all, you need this book!

  18. American Vampire Vol. 1 (TP)
    Axe Cop: Bad Guy Earth (TP)
    Batman: Eye of the Beholder (HC)

    BQ: I like large posteriors to the point where I feel no compulsion to conceal said preference.

    Also, are we getting the “Trades Only” option back on the new comics page? You removed the link to the proper place to mention this, otherwise I’d say something there.

  19. this is a monster week…

    X-MEN: SCHISM #5
    SEVERED #3
    X-MEN #19
    PENGUIN: PAIN AND PREJUDICE #1 (going to flip through it at the shop and decide then)

    BQ: gotta go with my kids!!

  20. ANIMAL MAN #2
    BATWING #2
    BOYS #59
    IZOMBIE #18
    MEN OF WAR #2
    SEVERED #3 (OF 7)
    SUPERIOR #5 (OF 6)

    BQ: Boobies.

  21. Big Week, thank god I’ve got 2 long plane rides to read this list. Action Comics, Animal Man, Swamp Thing, Schism, Invincible, Walking Dead, Red Lanterns, X-Men, X-23, The Boys, and The Infinite.

    BQ: Anything Scott Snyder Writes

  22. Animal Man
    Swamp Thing
    Detective Comics
    Aquaman 2nd printing #1

    I like fishing

  23. Do we ever have a small week these days? Great line up of new DC sophomore issues but more importantly…Avengers 1959!!! Sweet.

    BQ: My family, travelling to foreign cities, 70s movies, ice cream and really good cheesecake…and apple pie. Seriously, how does one narrow this down?

  24. And the cuts begin! Down to 14 books this week.

    Goodbye Heroes for Hire.

    • Half are still DC though, more if you count Vertigo. No way I would have thought I would be in this position a year ago…and it doesn’t bother me a bit.

  25. Detective Comics #2
    Action Comics #2
    Animal Man #2
    Justice League International #2
    Swamp Thing #2
    Stormwatch #2
    Huntress #1
    GI Joe (2) Ongoing #6
    maybe Penguin; Pain and Prejudice #1

    Then challenge this week will be to see if I can actually hold off on spending some money on one of these and wait the month for the price to drop on my iPad.

    BQ: I like mint oreo blizzards

  26. Dear Everyone: Thanks for not reading House of Mystery, jerks. The last issue is out this week. RIP to a great book.

    BQ: I like to move it move it.

  27. B.Q. Bonus questions!

  28. What kind of b/s is it that JLA has to come out 3 weeks “late”. I thought it would come out last week, since it came out a week before the first #1 issues…

    I like that i’m finally done with this report i hade to make for school, it took me like the whole day…

  29. 8 books…returning to normal. I”m cutting all the New 52 stuff that didn’t wow me (at least an overall 4) on the first issues, so i’m buying about 50% less of those. Animal Man, Swamp Thing and Action is what i’m excited about.

  30. Man, good week for Image books, but light Marvel week. Whatever, I get my Thunderbolts and that’s all that matters. AMERICA!

    BQ: Bacon.

  31. After the first round I’ve added Static Shock and Birds of Prey to my already bloated pull. Just wish I knew Huntress was tying into BoP, Mister Terriffic, and Justice Society!

    BQ: ice cream

  32. Animal Man, Swamp Thing, Mystic and Severed!

    BQ: Comics?

  33. Batwing, Animal Man, Swamp Thing, i’ll try Hulk for an arc, and may pick up OMAC as well.

  34. This week Im grabbing some of the Dc titles im continuing with including:

    Action Comics, Animal Man, Detective Comics, Swamp Thing

    Also Grabbing and looking forward to:

    Severed, Sweet Tooth, X-Men Schism

  35. Avatar photo captamerica101 (@Autobot_Hunter) says:

    BQ: comics, transformers, arested development, my friends, dogs, um…cupcakes.

  36. Got 6 books this week, 5 DCs and 1 Marvel. Most excited for Animal Man #2 and Action comics #2!

    BQ: I like coming home from work and hearing my daughter yell “DADDY!” and come bolting over to say hello to me. I also like black and white cookies and a big glass of milk.

  37. Weeks like this worry me because I don’t know how I’m gonna come up with the money:
    Action Comics #2
    Deadpool #44
    Hulk #42
    Invincible #83
    Spawn #212
    Static Shock #2
    possibly 2nd printing of Swamp Thing #1
    Swamp Thing #2
    The Walking Dead #89
    X-23 #15
    X-Men: Schism #5

    BQ: I like to draw comic book characters.

  38. I’m getting:

    O.M.A.C. #2
    THE HUNTRESS #1 (OF 6)
    X-MEN: SCHISM #5 (OF 5)

    Dropped from last month, Static Shock and Men of War

    BQ – I like Law and Order: Conviction and Trial By Jury. But I’ve not see LA.

  39. Schism,

    Dropped JLI, but my LCS has me down for two issues. I’m stuck for this one. Probly give it to a friend after I glance through it.

  40. i am getting omac 2 and swamp thing 2 and i also may get animal man 1 and 2

  41. I’m looking forward to Moon Knight the most this week.

    Bonus Question: I like my wife.

  42. X-MEN: SCHISM #5 (OF 5)
    2nd printing of Swamp Thing #1
    TPB American Vampire

  43. Psyched about Severed, Animal Man, JLI,and Detective

    BQ:DISCOUNTS!! speaking of which , when exactly will DC be lowering the price on their digital comics? still waiting

  44. is uncanny xforce not coming out this week? marvel says it is 🙁 but i know how that goes

  45. Sticking with from DC: Action, Animal Man, Swamp Thing, Stormwatch, Batwing. will probably get OMAC and will probably drop JLI. may get Detective, but don’t have much interest in sticking with Batgirl. the concept of the Penguin mini sounds great, but unless i read stellar things about it, it’ll have to wait.

    Is it just me or do the top DC books seem to holding pretty high pull numbers so far, while the drop off is more significent in the less well-recieved titles?

    no new Marvel books for me this week, which means i can finally pick up last month’s Captain America and Iron Man which kept being put back on the shelf so that i could buy more DC number ones . . .

    BQ: way too much to start listing at this time of night. perhaps i should like sleep more?

  46. Actually did I miss something on the pull list and Batgirl is not coming out this week . . ?

  47. T-Bolts, Avengers 1959, Hulk, Mook Knight, Schism, OMAC, Swamp Thing, and Static. I might give THE STRANGE TALENT OF LUTHER STRODE a shot and maybe Action Comics. I’m not a big Supes fan, but Morrison has crafted an intriguing yarn. My wallet will let me know. September KILLED me!!!

    BQ: I like brunettes. Shake Shack burgers. The Mets. The Jets. Star Wars the Clone Wars. Childish Gambino. Community. I still like the Simpsons. Synder’s Batman. Brubaker & Samnee’s Cap & Bucky. Waid’s Daredevil. Snickers. Parker’s Hulk & T-Bolts. OMAC. Batman Arkham City.

  48. I can’t wait to read Action Comics!

    BQ: I like…. Aw hell, boobs! There I said it, I’m a man…..

  49. I want to hear what Josh likes. You know, like… um…

  50. X-Men Schism #5
    Action Comics #2
    Detective Comics #2
    Stormwatch #2
    Uncanny X-Force

    Thats it. I dropped everything from DC that isn’t on my list here. I hated Animal Man and Swamp thing. I really didn’t get why so many people liked them. But then again I am relatively new to comics!

  51. This is a better number of books. I hope i can keep it down like this every week but I’m sure it’ll jump back up,it always does.
    Books this week are:

    Animal Man
    The Boys #59
    Hulk #42
    JLI #2
    Moon Knight #6
    Swamp Thing #2
    Thunderbolts #164
    X-Men Schism #5
    Heroes For Hire; Spider Island #1

    As well as the American Vampire and All- Star Super Man trades.

    BQ; I like my girlfriends laugh. Also i like that i can read my comics outside and not get funny looks anymore. One more thing I like is sci-fi, I love that shit.

  52. Static and Action #2 are my top two picks, really enjoyed both #1s. Might jump back in Millars word and will prob get the dc presents Batman 7.99 book too.

    BQ: I like bringing my amp to work plugging my i Pod in and playen 55 HATEBREED songs in a row! I like getting good books out of the 25 cent bin, I like Person of Intrest and Terra Nova, I like getting movies from the library. I like that Static has his own book, I like Grant on action scott on Batman and Mark on Daredevil. I like dollar energy shots and I like pizza.