FIRST LOOK: The Countdown to the SMALLVILLE Finale Begins with a Glimpse at a Long-Awaited Costume

Here, courtesy of the WB and Comics Continuum, is your first look at the Smallville Superman costume.

Just out of frame, there's a plaque which reads: "Do Not Open Until Last Episode." 

Is that a baseball tee with a polo collar? Interesting. 

This tantalizing image appears in the May 6th episode, "Prophecy." 


  1. Yep, that’s a collar.

  2. Is there a belt?

    I always thought the most essential part of Supe’s outfit was the belt. I mean how else are you gonna keep those red panties in place?

  3. That’s NOT a collar, that’s the velcro strips that hold the cape on, and it’s the actual suit that Brandon Routh wore in SUPERMAN RETURNS.

  4. We’ve seen it before.  They showed it at the end of one of the episodes earlier in the season when Jor-El decides Clark isn’t worthy yet.  Clark dons the red embossed hipster jacket instead. 

    Anyway, I still hate that small plastic “S” from “Superman Returns”.  Jeez.  Just bring back the Christopher Reeve “S” for good sake.  I don’t care if it’s an iron-on.  It looks better.

  5. @SebPiccione- spot on, mate.

  6. I really feel bad for Smallville.  I think 10 years of trailblazing and hard work deserves is own unique costume and not just some “hand-me-down”.  I like that every incarnation of Superman has had their own little changes to each costume, so it saddens me that a show that has done a great job of being both faithful and divergent from the DCU in its designs won’t get an opportunity to wow us with something truly in the spirit of its body of work from the last decade.

    But I don’t want to be a grump.  I’m glad we’ll finally get to see Welling wear it.  I just want the best for this show. 

  7. I’m a fan of the giant S-shield that takes up the whole chest.

  8. that’s a lot of plexiglass

  9. lol i wish it was a collar, it would be hilarious! infuriating/annoying, but hilarious none the less 🙂

  10. Velcro?
    I guess we gotta thank Kryptonians for that technology?
    And could you imagine being the poor schmuck driving along the streets of Metropolis,KS, maybe heading to the docks (in Kansas?) and all the sudden your windshield is engulfed in 64 square yards of red cape? All because Superman had to fly faster than the tolerances of Velcro’s integrity could maintain. 

  11. @marshak75 How is it a hipster jacket? It’s just a red leather jacket. If anything it’s a thriller jacket.

  12. @Anson17  There was a zombie episode, but that was before the red leather.

    Wasn’t there a question of if they were just using the SR suit as a prop?  Are they actually going to be able to alter it to Welling’s size and have him wear it for 1-2 minutes in the finale?

    I’m still fearful there’ll be some psych-out where we see extras reacting to Superman in flight- cut to credits, we don’t get to see shit.  I will probably hurl my beer at the tv if that happens.

  13. Super Snuggie!

  14. So who does Tom Weller turn out to be?

  15. @edward  I’m hoping Captain marvel

  16. Windex

  17. What I find interesting is that they are using the new Superman Returns S-shield (and costume) for Smallville, but every other time you see the S-shield on the show it’s the traditional modern comic book S-shield. That was really glaring this week with the giant S-shield billboard.

  18. This makes me wish I would of watched Smallville past season 3.