The Avengers, secret or otherwise, will still be fighting the X-Men in Secret Avengers #28. Once again though, this whole thing has had some incredible cover art, and Alan Davis is on this one. Here’s your first chance to see it anywhere.

Here are the pertinent details:




• The Avengers have devised a way to save the Kree homeworld from the Phoenix, but one man stands in their way – Captain Marvel!
• Can Ms. Marvel and The Protector break free of Minister Marvel’s influence to aid their former companions?
• When all else fails, one Avenger must rise and make the ultimate sacrifice…but will his death be enough?

32 PGS./Rated T+ …$3.99


  1. I love alan davis, the Avengers Prime hardcover I bought was one of my fav comic purchases in the last year

  2. I love they’ll get Alan Davis to do a cover, but not ask him to do the interiors.

    Alan Davis doing Secret Avengers would be great….But no we’ll get Renato Guedes.

    • Or they’ll get him to do interiors on Ed Brubaker’s Captain America, y’know, like he’s doing right now.

    • Is he still doing the interiors by the time the event starts?

      I thought he was doing an arc.

    • Alan Davis doing Secret Avengers would be great.

      So maybe he could do that after his run on new Cap.


    • Alan Davis is maybe too expensive for Secret Avengers. His page rate is pretty high I think. Although obviously worth it! On this subject, a colleague of mine collects original Alan Davis artwork and is selling me some tomorrow…preliminary sketches for FF covers, and other stuff. The ones I’ve seen have been beautiful…

  3. I hate to be negative, but event tie-ins are book-killers for me recently. That’s why I dropped X-Factor during Secret Invasion and most everything else during Fear Itself. It bums me out because so far I’m loving Remender’s Secret Avengers. I’m afraid AVX is going to drag it down and I’m going to drop it like I did during FI.

    • I can’t wait for Marvel to somehow shoe-horn AVX into Journey Into Mystery.

      Cause god forbid Kieron Gillen can tell a story before an event starts…

    • I continue buying the titles I already get.

      Many of them I subscribe to direct from Marvel.

      I just don’t get any of the event specials or event tie-ins that I wouldn’t get otherwise, because the public library buys all of that stuff if I want to read it.

      I agree that these events usually water the titles down and detract from what is already going on.

      I was hoping that if Secret Avengers was going to cross over with the mutant books that it would tie into X-Force, because that would be plenty of covert Remender goodness, and then how would these secret teams reveal their new intel to the “sanctioned” versions of the Avengers and the X-dudes?

      But yeah, I know what you mean.

    • @player1: I’m just sick and tired of it. JIM has been a great book even with the tie-ins but it’s annoying the shit out of me. So that’s why I have pledged not to buy the New Mutants crossover that’s coming up. I don’t give a crap about the New Mutants and I have no desire to read it.

    • I know what you mean.

      Although sometimes it can be a good thing.

      I’m buying both ASM and DD already, so it won’t kill me to get an issue of Rucka’s Punisher.

      I did have to buy a few issues of Daken because he crossed over with X-23, too.

      But usually, I don’t get too much extra stuff just because of a tie-in, event, or crossover.

      They did get me to buy more mutant books because of this year’s whole AvX thing, but I was already interested, because at Regenesis they all looked at least acceptable, and be because I just dropped almost all DC and could afford another five or six titles.

      Thankfully, subscribing direct saves me about half to two-thirds off cover price. My retail discount is only 25%.


    • @TheNextChampion
      New Mutants crossing over with JIM is not an event tie in its an event. I can understand not wanting to buy additional issues but you will get a cohesive complete story that should fit relatively naturally into the plotting of both series.

      An event tie often has little to nothing to do with what the writer has been working on so far and more often than not does not even tell a relevant story (the relevant story being told only in the event’s main book). They are little more than an attempt to cause event goers to buy into additional books. Unfortunately they accomplish that even if they don’t tell a decent story.

  4. It’s not the AvX tie-in that’s bothering me, it that “Everyone has some Pheonix In Them” thing that I’ve seen pop up every once in awhile. It’s causing me to drop New Avengers, and it made me hate Greg Pak’s X-Men Warsong mini.

    • Do you mean Ms. Marvel being on fire? My assumption was she is just back in her Binary form for this story. I don’t remember seeing others appear linked to the Phoenix force aside from Hope but I haven’t been paying much attention to AvX.

    • Iron Fist is going to be in New Avengers. As for this…yeah, it could just be just her in her Binary form, but it could be a revelation that this form and the Phoenix are tied together somehow. I don’t know…it’s just a random something I never really liked.

    • “Everybody gets *blank*” seems to be the recurring theme of a lot of Marvel events lately. Everybody gets Spider-Powers! Everybody turns into a Hulk! Everybody gets Thor Hammers! Everybody gets to be a Skrull!

    • Well Marvel leaked the AVX #5 cover and it has Cap gettng ‘engulfed’ by the Phoenix Force.

      So maybe that is the theme of this event: “You get the Phoenix Force! You get the Phoenix Force! EVERYBODY GETS THE PHOENIX FOOORRRCCEEE!!!”

    • @ TheNextChampion – If it breaks down that way then we will credit you when it is renamed “The Oprah Force”

    • @RobotZombie: That’s all I ask.

  5. Very nice cover.
    I hope the Avengers can settle this peacefully.

  6. “When all else fails, one Avenger must rise and make the ultimate sacrifice…but will his death be enough?”

    Oh, noooos…youse-a people gonna die??”

    No thanks! I’m getting the AvX mini only. I’m dropping any and all titles labelled AvX tie-ins. I’ll pick them back up after the mini…maybe.

    • Meant to also mention the shock I had reading that an Avenger is going to die….said the liar…

      If it only happens in Secret Avengers, but gets referenced in AvX, I’m gonna be peeved

    • The death tease in a solicit always makes me groan these days. I do believe I’ve gotten too jaded for this stuff.

    • It would really help if someone would actually stay dead for a change. Yeah, Bucky came back, but the story was interesting and he’d been supposedly dead since WWII. And say what you will about Jason Todd returning, but at least that took almost 20 years for him to return.

      It took less than a year for Johnny Storm to return from the dead. WTF guys? We all know that they are going to come back eventually, but can’t they make deaths last for a few years at least?

  7. So pretty much for 6 months we are not going to get any secret avengers stories with the current roster. That sucks.

  8. So The Protector is going to die? Is that it?

  9. Question this is a bit off topic but when did Nova get a Blue Helmet? is he only going to be in the books as a catalyst of the events or will he get in the fray?