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Name: Josh Baker


jawshoowah's Recent Comments
December 23, 2008 11:28 am @JJ you know that its not a charity right?  It's more like if netflix gave you the option to pay for your membership or not, you are paying for the product and the entertainment.  They are just giving you the option to choose to do so or not.
December 17, 2008 10:26 pm Are you sure this had nothing to do with BLOM and some others hating on comic news/blogs/reporting a week or so ago?

blink once for yes, twice for no
December 15, 2008 12:04 am Did somebody say iFanboy carwash fundraiser?!?!

Nobody said that? Really?

Whatever, yeah, i'm in.
November 14, 2008 6:28 pm I agree with this completely and not only that, but it feels inevitable.  I agree with esophagus in that I don't need to wait for a reader to be developed.  If they make them available in .cbr so that they can be read with CDisplay then I would be subscribing right now.  If you can access the files from a password protected website so the files can be accessed from any computer you can just through cdisplay on a jump drive and be good to go.  I would certainly be more willing to try out a new digital title for say...a dollar or even 2, than I will be soon when the wave that is 3.99 paper comics finally smashes into us.
November 14, 2008 4:47 am Oh, and nice article.
November 14, 2008 4:45 am

I think what this may do is help ween people off of the bizarre OCDness that is often associated with our hobby of choice.  This may finally get people to stop buying certain titles that they normally would buy(whether because they are a completionist or just cause they get that little fanboy itch to own it) that don't measure up qualitywise (writing, art,inking,etc) to other books that are out there of a higher standard. 

A common ralying cry shouted by the internet masses in regards to poor comic books is to "vote with your wallet" but this often never happens because burried deep within the DNA of fanboys is the "buy-chromosome" that doesn't take quality into account.  By raising costs, this could finally force us to look at our purchases and decide what we really want, what we really will be entertained by...and what we are buying just to buy it. 

Hopefully this ends up with books of high quality in all facets becoming the money makers and other titles either withering up and dying or improving to the point that it is worth the money to buy them.  And just so everyone understands, by quality i'm not talking about the paper quality or a big name writer, just that feeling that you get now and then from a comic when you put it down and think "Wow, that was really good."  There are too many good books out there right now for anyone to spend that precious coin on something they will regret before they even read it, you know...that book in your stack that you treat as the vegatables you have to get through before you get to the ice cream of something like Brubaker's Cap.  

And now that I have completely digressed into nonsensical dinner analogies, I would like to say that I think it is really cool that Brian Wood has commented on this topic as much as he has, another reason why I love comics.

October 27, 2008 6:16 pm Rufio Rufio Ru Fi O

October 16, 2008 6:18 pm Great interview Ron.

I thought this was really interesting and it really does seem as if he was truly upset about how poor the powers schedule was.  It's nice to see that he cares about that. 

I also thought including lauren was a great idea.
October 14, 2008 6:28 pm @ron - Deuce the Devil Dog was Daredevil's seeing eye dog until he lost him in a game of... poker (?) to Deadpool.
October 14, 2008 6:15 pm What about Deuce the Devil Dog?