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Name: Justin Stratton



As Busiek enters his final issues of Superman, I have a heavy heart.  I have really enjoyed his run, I…

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Aeopile's Recent Comments
August 13, 2010 4:11 am 4 dollars says I'm following this comic in wikipedia. I wish others would do the same, but with so many pulls it looks like DC will be breaking even on this book as compared to what they could have gotten with a 3 price and additional readers.
May 11, 2010 1:05 pm This book is dangerously close to my cut list.  I was excited about Jurgens originally, but the book got a little to angsty for me.  Hopefully Giffen can bring back the fun this title had back when it started.  
July 24, 2009 4:45 pm Isn't this the same premise that Justice League of America and Justice League: Cry of Justice is all about?
July 9, 2009 6:17 pm

When I see all the great feedback this book has gotten, I regret not ordering this book when I had the chance.

But then I think of the 3.99 cover price x 4 a month, and do not regret ordering it.

Hopefully DC will release it in trade at a more reasonable price - because I really think they overpriced a potential "gateway" book.

May 19, 2009 10:56 am man, DC is really struggling, not a single discussion point on anything from the main DCU.
January 6, 2009 1:07 pm

Someone else already started doing the fanboy base analysis, and I did oct through dec, and am blown away - of those 14 picks - 12 of them are DC.  1 of which is vertigo.

 Conor, yeah I understand what you mean about counting vertigo with them, but I look at Vertigo as being a seperate universe, so I'd look at a pick for a vertigo title being more like a indy pick than a DC pick, hence the suggestion of isolating them in some way. 

January 6, 2009 12:43 pm

Thanks much for sharing this, this is great stuff.  Vertigo probably shouldn't be counted as DC for next year's analysis, imho.  As a DC zombie, its nice to see them getting the iFanboy approval, because they certainly don't have it in the sales world.

December 10, 2008 1:20 pm I plan to stay on Booster Gold out of 52, Johns/Katz nostalgia.  I'll give Jurgens one arc to keep me on board.  
November 13, 2008 10:11 am

My monthly budget for comics is 20 issues @ 2.99.  I only read DCU titles, as I would rather be "all in" on a single universe, then partial in two.  I read indy stuff from my local library.

 Anyhow, I don't see my budget increasing if DC ups their price, instead I'll simply cull my pull-list by 33%.  If after that cut, I feel like I don't have an idea of what is going on in the DCU, or I feel cheated because I'm not enjoying certain storylines - I would likely just drop out of comics altogether like I did back in 1996.

 I read titles from 1991 to 1996, and then came back to comics around 2005 - mid-way through Infinite Crisis.   

March 1, 2008 11:36 am

I just have to respond to a couple misnomers in this review.

1.  The very first issue of this arc specifies that it takes place prior to an issue of Countdown.  I believe the issue of countdown is one that establishes that Granny Goodness Amazons are running the island.  I think we need to give Kudos to DC editorial for putting that warning/info box in there to allow us continuity fans to fit it into the overall DC continuity.  This should have been their policy from the beginning - no "where it fits" boxes in Countdown, but instead in all the other DCU titles.  Easier for a title to reference another, than 1 title to reference the rest of the line.

2.  Granny Goodness did not impersonate Hippolyta, she is impersonating Athena. 

3.  I think Alan Heinberg (who certainly shares some blame) maybe only part of the problem for all the delays early in Wonder Woman's run - based off how much fill-in art was in this issue.  Again, I applaud DC for this new policy to keep comics coming out on time - its time for artists to get things done on time.  

As for the Circe story arcs, to me they fit together well.  She had a scheme in Who is Wonder Woman, and then returned almost immediately with a new scheme in Amazon's Attack.  And there was some referencing of the first scheme in Amazon's Attack.