Review by: TheNextChampion

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For all of those who are interested in seeing this series continue…come right on in! For those who arent well….I’ll give you a free ride on this, just this once.

We finally get new material for this series, now that Lindeloff isnt high on ‘Lost’ as much he was able to finish the script for these issues. Does it provide the same entertainment as the last two issues? Or did a 3 year hiatus pretty much ruin the potential greatness in this?

It’s a bit of both to be honest. Now again I was able to get into this series since they reprinted the last two issues recently. So the 3 year wait doesnt nag on me for my enjoyment. I think there is a lot of great character stuff in this. A lot of great jokes on the behalf of Logan, especially that ‘Sophie’s Choice line’, that killed me. What I liked about this issue was that it didnt focus so much on the fighting. That seems like a weird compliment considered the title is just stating a fight occurs here. But over the previous two issues, and this current one, shows that there is more to this series then Hulk breaking Logan in half (literally). It’s providing a much better inisight into these Ultimate characters that not even the writers of their respected series (Logan on U-Xmen and Banner on Ultimates) couldnt provide. Not to say it’s the smartest book out there, trust me when you got half naked women all around it isnt, but it certainly provides more of an entertainment then just a fight.

It’s hard to tell whether Yu’s step in his pencils have gotten better or worse as well. Yu has worked now on a huge amount of other projects so you think the pencils would be better. It basically looks the same, but that isnt a bad thing. His details on the characters are gorgeous and some of his backgrounds almost look photo realistic. His panel layouts on fighting are a bit muddled (sorta the same problem with the early Secret Invasion issues), but he gets the job done almost 100% of the time. I should also mention again colorist Dave McCaig. His colors are bright enough to savor the eyes but also livens up the panels.

It’s tough to grade this new issue, as we still got three more to go in what is the longest released mini in the history of comics. People should be upset about the lateness and people should joke around about Lindeloff and Marvel’s laziness to get this done. But that doesnt mean you cant have a great time with this mini. My earlier assumptions of this being one of the best Marvel mini’s ever might’ve been a bit presumptuous….But there is no denying that these first three issues have been a lot of fun. I just feel bad for the people who waited on trade for this, 3 years ago!

Story: 3 - Good
Art: 5 - Excellent

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