Review by: TheNextChampion

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Story by Jonathan Hickman
Art by Nick Pitarra & Cris Peter

Size: 0 pages
Price: 3.50

It’s official:

The Manhattan Projects is the best series today.

Yes I know there is a sea of contenders this year but I can’t deny my love for this series. It’s only four issues old and yet I’ve had more fun with these four issues than anything else this year. Yes, it has even beaten out the best issue of the year (so far) with Batman. (Sorry Scott) But you know what else is funny?

This isn’t the best issue of the series, not by miles.

It’s an amazing issue to be sure. There’s a lot to love with the crazy science and batshit crazy characters. I want to see more of FDR A.I. and I know I could never think of anything like that in my wildest dreams. The art by Nick Pitarra is just as fantastic. How about those alien designs? Those are designs that I’ve never seen before and the technology he delivers from Hickman’s scripts really are inventive.

I say this isn’t the best issue of the series so far even though this is my Pick. If you compare it to the previous three issues it is probably the weakest link of the run so far. But when I say ‘weak’ I mean it’s a 4.9/5 rather then a full 5/5. (The only that bugged me was that the twist with Einstein was a bit too similar to Oppenheimer.) I hope this series never ends. Seriously, this better not be turned into a maxi series or a limited series in the long run. I want this series to go full on Action Comics with me and go 900 issues. I want Hickman and Pitrra chained to a desk and do this forever with me….Of course until I come into power in 2020, I’ll just settle with more POTW nominations.

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 5 - Excellent


  1. I actually disagree, I found Einstein’s story much more intriguing than the previous scientists’. So I’d say this one is better than #4 at least, and possibly better than #4 and #3.

    Still one of the best books out. The story is so engaging and really draws me into it, while the art is noticably clean, but just gritty enough to make you feel the atmosphere as you read.

    I do wish there was more ‘bright side’ to this MP universe, as everything that’s come out since issue 1 is pretty negative. I feel like somehow life sucks in a universe where the Manhattan Projects existed. It seems like they could have *some* kind of positive impact on humanity, given that they’re essentially a super-think-tank.

    Just wait, the FDR AI will go crazy and launch nuclear warheads or eat someone’s face int he next couple issues.

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