Review by: jmstump

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Price: 2.99

Alright I just got finished with this and all I have to say is that I think I’m out and worst part is I think I have to drop a lot of books because DC caters so hardcore to Morrison he gets to take over the whole damn bat fleet of books.

Seriously what the hell is happening in this book.  Just as I thought that I was starting to like this run Morrison did what he does every time I read him.  Something completely out of the ordinary.  Now I understand that is why he is so well liked, but I can’t stand how odd and different his stuff is sometimes.

I was really digging this book till the last page, but the end blew this for me.

I can say that Tony Daniel is firing on all cylinders for this book and the coloring is also amazing.  But not enough for me to stay on.

Story: 2 - Average
Art: 4 - Very Good


  1. I’m also dropping it.

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