Flash #1 courtesy of Geoff Johns and Francis Manapul

One of the delights of the recent Adventure Comics series from DC Comics was my introduction to the wonderful art of Francis Manapul.  So you can imagine how happy I am to hear today on the DC blog that when The Flash: Rebirth finishes up, Geoff Johns will be teaming up with Francis Manapul on the ongoing Flash comic.

Sure, I wish it was Karl Kerschl, but I’m getting Kerschl Flash in Wednesday Comics and after seeing issue #1 of Adventure Comics, I think this Manapul guy will be able to cut it.  I don’t know what it was about his art but it has a classic look to it that makes me want to see more.  I have little to no interest in Superboy in Adventure Comics, but the pages were so beautiful, I couldn’t stop gazing at those 2 page spreads.

Now the question is, how long until The Flash: Rebirth ends?  I want my ongoing Flash series!

I found a sketch of the Flash from Francis Manapul’s blog from March 2007 – not bad at all:


  1. That Flash sketch is very Mike Wieringo-esque.

    I’m thrilled that Manapul is the guy to draw Geoff Johns’ Flash book, but bummed that they are leaving ADVENTURE COMICS after six issues. 

  2. yep

  3. So. Excited. Can’t. Type. Reminds me a lot of Cooke’s New Fronteire.

  4. Thrilled about this. Again, bittersweet that they’re leaving Adventure Comics, but what a great team for Flash!


  5. I have followed Manapul since his early Iron and the Maiden work and he is consistently getting better. This just sold me on continuing to pick up flash after rebirth. 

  6. whos taking over on Adventure comics?

     and did u see the Kerschl page in last weeks Wednesday Comics? that guy can draw , I hope we see him do more Flash at some point

  7. I’d love Scott Kolins, but this Manapul guy does some amazing work.  Like Ron, I don’t care much for Superboy stories, but I’ll definitely be picking this up.  

  8. This is great news!

  9. @conor – Totally agree with you on how it looks a bit like Mike Wieringo.  That jaw just screams it.  We’ll see if that’s still Manapul’s Flash style when he begins this run.

    Super excited about this!  Personally, I love Superboy, so I’m sad that Manapul’s done with that series but this, this is exciting for a Flash fan!

  10. Any news on who’s replacing them on Adventure???

  11. I’m down and not only this but Sterling Gates is doing a KID-FLASH book

  12. Well I am a bit more excited for this series. I literally just read (and reviewed) Adventure Comics #1 and that had amazing art in it. If Manapul is going to be the artist then I will be onboard for the ongoing.

  13. @Anson17 My guess is Johns will stay on Adventure. He only has 3 ongoings.

  14. @ato220: He’s not staying, he’s off after #6.

  15. I love Manupal.  He’s the best choice for this book.  And the best part, we wont have to worry about long delays between issues.

  16. couldn’t agree with Conor more.  veeeeery Wieringo-y

  17. @Hank: If you click on the link to the blog (which I did after making my comment) you’ll see that Manapul was a big fan of Wieringo’s run on FLASH so I bet it was an intentional influence.

  18. I’ll probably drop it after the six issues.  I bought it on a whim anyway because of the art. We’ll see…


  20. i love it, cant wait…having said that, i think its kind of a gip, cuz i feel like there was more than six months worth of hupe for Adventure Comics, so for them to only be on it for six months just rubs me the wrong way. 

  21. Heh, happy I didn’t jump on Adventure. I’ll just get the trade for that. I’m loving Flash Rebirth (and it’s my first Flash reading) so this should be great.

  22.  Johns is problery leaving so he has time to work on the flash and shazam movies

  23. I think I just had quite possibly the largest geek-gasm of my life. I can’t wait for this. 

  24. I’d like to see them double number this one too, it’s making a new book while paying homage to the old line.

  25. Awesome.  Wait, did someone already say awesome?  If so I concur with that person’s awesome.

  26. Sold!

  27. Interesting.  I’ll pick this up.  Johns on Flash is automatic.

    Any word on who is taking over Adventure Comics? I would prefer for it to be someone other than Mr. Rucka, Mr. Gates, or Mr. Robinson.  They are fine writers, but I would prefer for Adventure Comics to keep its distance from the other 4 Superman books for a while to let it get its own identity.

  28. As excited as I am for Manapul to be on Flash, I am bummed that Johns is leaving Adventure. Between this and Batman, I’m getting a little nauseous with all of the creative team juggling at DC.

  29. This just solidifies my faith in the new Flash book. Maybe this means that Ivan Reis will be taking over Adventure Comics instead of the Flash.

  30. Anyone know what Van Sceiver will do? I hope he gets to do plastic man or aquaman.

  31. Van Sciver can’t do a monthly book, or doesn’t think he can, so he tends to work on these high profile books, or a special here and there.  It’s what he’s done for years.

  32. Well I guess I’ll be dropping Adventure once they leave. Kind of weird since I remember Johns saying Superboy was one of his favorites. Oh well, at least I get to switch to Flash when he leaves.

  33. Oh boy!   Flash is going to be THE book to read!!!!!!!!!!

    That makes me so happy! 
  34. Hurm….

  35. I can’t wait for this.  Van Sciver is great, but sometimes his art has too much goin on with it…sensory overload.  i gotta take another look at Adventure to see Manapul’s art. 

  36. AWW HELL!

    Don’t get me wrong I like Francis Manapuls art so far but I was really REALLY hoping Ivan Reis was going to be the regular artist on Flash since it had been speculated that his next project after Blackest Night which he said would be with Geoff Johns would clearly be Flash. I would have also have loved Scott Kolins back as well but when all said and done Flash ongoing is still going to be a good looking book

  37. I’m down as long as their not charging $3.99 for it.

  38. Next time I’m at my LCS I’ll have give adventure comics #1 another look. I would also love a $2.99 price tag.

  39. "I’m down as long as their not charging $3.99 for it." (Not saying anything about the typo…)

    You people, I swear…

    I’m reading this book regardless of the price tag. Johns is a great writer, and Manapul is a fantastic artist. This book could very well be worth picking up for 3.99. I’m in either way.

  40. looks good. I agree Kerschel would have been sweet but no love for Scott Kolins?

  41. So no one knows who’s taing over for Johns on Adventure?  I’m seriously bummed as I though he would stay on this book for a while, he writes Connor better than pretty much anyone else out there.

  42. @josh: Didn’t Van Sciver say something about trying to do a month book soon?

  43. I think Manapul will be at the Pittsburgh Con this weekend..  I think i know what sketch I want from him now…

  44. Fuck. Yes.

  45. @Josh @jesTr: I do believe that in his last Word Balloon interview he did mention about eventually becoming efficient enough to do a monthly.  He also said in the same interview that he would be able to meet a monthly schedule for Flash Rebirth.

  46. Very excited for The Flash ongoing. I can’t wait to see how rebirth ends, hopefully we’ll find out within the next months.

    I’m disappointed Johns and Manapul are leaving Adventure Comics. Knowing they’re leaving, I’m now debating whether or not to continue to pull the book or use the 4 dollars elsewhere.

  47. Hell yes!

    P.S: Sciver has a hard time drawing a realistic leg in late books. He’s not an on-going kind of artist.

  48. What will DC do when Johns one day leaves DC for greener pastures? Panic? Close their doors forever? Hire Chuck Austen?!?!

  49. Paul Levitz is taking over ADVENTURE COMICS. I love Johns, but Levitz on a LSH related book? Sold.Sold twice.

  50. I have to admit I’m not familiar with Mr. Levitz’s past work.  I hear his Legion stories are solid, but what kind of writer is he?

  51. "that they are leaving ADVENTURE COMICS after six issues."   jdskfjkldsjfkldjsf crap.

     why must they torture us like this.  Oh well at least I’ll get an ongoing flash book again.

  52. FUCK YEAH!!!  I’m so going to be getting this and the Kid Flash book DC will be doing. 


  54. I hope after Johns leaves Adventure they put Superboy back in the Teen Titans, and Levitz writes Legion stories as the main feature in Adventure.

  55. Hmmm, if you look at the solicit for Adventure #4, Francis Manapul isn’t doing the interior… maybe he’s leaving sooner than we think.

  56. Manapul couldn’t keep up with a monthly schedule when he was on LSH, so it’s probably just a fill in.

  57. @MikeFarley: Not neccessarily a fill-in, but they could be doing a similar artist/arc to Batman and Robin.

  58. I meant fill-i only in the sense that it was a scheduled issue sans Manapul and he wasn’t leaving the book early.


    They’re going to need another artist on FLASH if they plan on keeping the 

  59. book on time. A second artist, not a replacement, I mean. Maybe Kerschl?


    (Don’t know how I managed to post without finishing there)

  60. Great news! Big fan of Manapul. Less excited about Geoff JOhns though. I would rather see someone else on this – lets not give everything to the guy (i know why they are but still..come on, theres got to be other writers for the gig)

  61. @melike: They did give the pther flash title to Gates.