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Name: Jeff Hotchkiss


velvetbulldozer's Recent Comments
April 15, 2012 10:34 am @BionicDave, I agree 100% percent. That is what all GL stories should focus on. In the comics and in the movies.
April 10, 2012 8:32 am Batgirl Green Lantern Green Lantern Animated Mighty Thor Uncanny X-Men Wolverine Wasteland BQ: What I'm watching that isn't over for the season is: Mad Men (very slow so far this season) Justified (season finale tonight -- the outcome seems pretty predictable, we'll see) ThunderCats (loving the new series) GL Animated (loving this as well) Great Expectations (looking forward to watching this online)
April 7, 2012 2:20 pm Best episode of the series so far. I didn't catch on when the rocks didn't fully overcome Hal, but when the rocks were trying to take out the hijacked ship, I knew what was up. Very cool the way the new GL's ring was activated too.
September 15, 2011 8:37 am **********CONTAINS SPOILERS********** I haven't read Ostrander's Suicide Squad or Simone’s Secret Six, so I've come to this book fresh. And while I agree that the art is good and that the characterization was lacking, I will give the writer the benefit of the doubt as it's the first issue. The real sticking point to me in this issue is the so-called "twist." I hated it. I was really enjoying the book to that point, and then it hit a brick wall. The Surprise-It-Was-All-A-Test plot is the slightly less obnoxious cousin of the cretinous It-Was-All-A-Dream plot. Assembling the team could have been the first 5- or 6-issue arc. Round up all the candidates and send them on Squad-type missions, eliminating a bunch in every issue until you end up with the final roster. I'll stick with the book because I like the concept and want to see where it goes.
August 15, 2011 7:55 am Love the new look, but the scroll within a scroll has to go.
August 4, 2011 1:55 pm Mucho props for the Terriers intro.
May 6, 2011 7:39 am Intrepid Escapegoat
Mouse Guard/Dark Crystal
Baltimore/Criminal Macabre
April 7, 2011 11:18 am @NathanNicdao  I was going to say the same thing. Funny how he's got all that paint on his face but none on the fingers holding the paintbrush.