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Name: Nick Garcia




I wasn’t expecting to feel so helpless after reading this issue. Venom #9 is a great addition into the Spider-Man…

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Outstanding!!! This story continues to grow in anticipation and the art is marvelous!!! The movement between the flashbacks and current…

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Just awesome!!! Consistently the top of my stack and this is by far the best issue of the Dark Angel…

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sp1dey's Recent Comments
October 24, 2011 3:52 pm Very excited for this next issue. Before reading this series, I thought for sure I wouldn't be interested but I have been pleasantly surprised. Esad Ribic's art is so good.
October 24, 2011 3:33 pm 3 books. Daredevil, Amazing Spider-Man & Ultimates BQ: 24
October 21, 2011 12:05 pm That's a waste of an article. While obesity is a serious problem, making fun of them is not the answer. A relevant article would have been to train like a superhero but just poking fun is as low as what Perez Hilton used to do. Not only is it mean but it takes no talent, creativity or wit to take photos and write rude things.
October 17, 2011 5:24 pm I'd love to see her walking through Arkham to find out more about this "Joker" person. To walk by Batman's rogue gallery and have that shocked look with eyes wide open at seeing Killer Croc or Mr. Freeze.
October 17, 2011 4:23 pm Don't hate on the Golden Girls. I'm waiting for when it's added to Netflix Instant. "thank you for being a friend"
October 17, 2011 4:21 pm Alfred would be flirting the entire time while Bruce tries to make sure she is kept busy while he patrols as Batman. As Bruce returns home, she would explain to him how she already solved his case and allude to knowing who the Batman is without having to reveal his secret. Harvey Bullock would keep telling Jessica, "Listen lady, this is Gotham we don't need help from some BOOK writer from Cabot Cove gettin in our way" but by the end of her trip would be thanking her and they would all have a laugh. And somehow Jessica would catch up with the Batmobile every time while riding her bicycle.
October 4, 2011 9:49 am That exactly what I thought when I read it. "didn't this just happen a few issues ago?"
September 9, 2011 10:32 am Rafa Sandoval's Spider-Man is amazing!!!
August 19, 2011 9:55 am that's a pretty cool team line up, I just wish Opena would stay on the book forever but Remender is awesome.
August 16, 2011 6:25 pm My first comic book was Darkhawk Annual 2. I didn't know anything about the character or about comics but it was free when I had all A's. I don't have it anymore and can't really remember the issue but i definitely remember the cover.