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Name: Bryan West

Bio: "With his faithful hand tool the Pulaski, Bryan West, daring young Trail-Worker matches wits with tourists and invasive species, risking his life so that environmental criminals and enemy plants will feel the weight of the law by the sting of the Green Hornet!" ----- I Grew up in a small town in Bay Area CA. Started consuming comics around '92. Love to draw, write, sing, and just create in general. Love hiking, biking, camping. I am a project supervisor for a trail crew. Love my job. Love comics. Love Sushi. Love going to shows.....I'm done with this. ----- http://optic85.tumblr.com/


optic00085's Recent Comments
January 31, 2013 4:39 pm HAHA! That's what I was thinking as well. I like the design elements. Color pallet looks different than the other DCU animated films. All the Krypton designs look particularly nice. I like that they are staring to play around with the character design a little more. It would be really interesting if they pushed the style way out and got someone with a really unique style like Genndy Tartakovsky to do a film. I understand this would require a larger budget being that the whole process would be different, but a guy can dream can't he?
January 31, 2013 10:13 am The entire Punisher MAX series, both Ennis and Aaron's work is a fantastic read. Throw "Born" in there and that's about all the Punisher you'll ever need.
January 31, 2013 10:09 am I guess I should keep up with the news, but I thought Rucka was done with Punisher. I suppose that's one more book to add to the list. I love Rucka, he really is one of the most consistent writers in the industry. While he has written stuff that I didn't love, I really can't think of anything he worked on that I felt was 'bad'. This article has also reminded me that I still haven't read Gotham Central(I know, shameful). Nice review, I look forward to the POTW podcast.
January 31, 2013 9:59 am Yeah, the whole Joker meets Twilight performance was to much, but the episode as a whole was great. I must say that I'm surprised how much I have enjoyed this show as a whole.
January 29, 2013 4:18 pm Love the article! I'm a process junkie for sure so I would love to see this a regular feature on the site. Also, Mara #1 was a great read. Very good example of giving the audience just enough information. The issue doesn't overload the reader with exposition, it just gives you enough information to understand the character and setting. Nice cliff-hanger as well!
January 29, 2013 2:37 pm Best upstart I've seen in quite sometime. Really love the style, it's sketchy, but still concise. Hope to see more from him!
January 25, 2013 9:55 am Glad to hear the Jane Austin adaptations are worthwhile, I was just asking about those on twitter, but no response. They all have fantastic artists working on them!
January 23, 2013 6:02 pm Does this mean that Paul will shave off his beard in favor of side burns?! I'm very happy for Ron, Paul, and iFanboy as a whole. Ron's enthusiasm and childlike wonder will be missed on the POW podcast, but I'm sure he will bring the same energy to image comics and that can only mean more great content from Image Comics. I also look forward to Paul joining the POW podcast, I've really enjoyed the episodes that he filled in on, as well as his fuzzy typewriter podcast. As for Ifanboy, graphically-supported or not, they will continue to be my primary source for comics news and discussion. The level of quality on this site is the watermark that all others should strive to achieve. Cheers!
January 23, 2013 5:21 pm Love that cover! Still on the fence as to whether or not I'm going to pick this up, perhaps I'll pick it up in a month when the price drops on comixology. Either way, nice review!
January 11, 2013 9:02 pm Whoa man, you haven't even read them yet. I understand that a creative team leaving a book is always disappointing, but the new creative teams seem interesting. Both writers are fairly new to the comics scene, these guys could be the next Snyder or Aaron. I'm bummed that Snyder won't be writing Swamp Thing, but I'm excited to see what some new creative blood does for the character.....and if it sucks, well, I don't have to buy it. There's plenty of other fish in the sea.