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Name: Bryan West

Bio: "With his faithful hand tool the Pulaski, Bryan West, daring young Trail-Worker matches wits with tourists and invasive species, risking his life so that environmental criminals and enemy plants will feel the weight of the law by the sting of the Green Hornet!" ----- I Grew up in a small town in Bay Area CA. Started consuming comics around '92. Love to draw, write, sing, and just create in general. Love hiking, biking, camping. I am a project supervisor for a trail crew. Love my job. Love comics. Love Sushi. Love going to shows.....I'm done with this. ----- http://optic85.tumblr.com/


optic00085's Recent Comments
January 11, 2013 9:36 am Fair enough, I was just playing around. I actually enjoy Todd's art. I'm an 80's baby, so I grew up with Todd's Spidey and Spawn.
January 11, 2013 9:30 am OK, first Ifanboy makes a Star Wars book POW, and now there's a Todd McFarlane cover featured in the "Best of.." article....I think the world might be ending.
January 10, 2013 12:27 am When they released the first image of the cover I was very impressed, but now seeing it with colors I'm kind of blown away. The image has really come to life and I'm now even more excited about this book. I tried the launch of the new 52 Green Arrow even though I was pretty sure I wasn't going to like it. To put it nicely, It was not the Green Arrow book that I wanted to be reading...Green Arrow has always been one of my favorite characters and I'm thrilled that he is finally getting back on track after years of mediocrity.
January 10, 2013 12:19 am Sounds great, I love the idea of a relatively "unknown" taking the reigns. You can never underestimate the never-say-'die' scrappyness of a guy with something to prove. Hell, that's what gave us the original Star Wars! Congrats to Dan!
January 8, 2013 10:33 pm I was tempted to pick this up when Waid launched the book, but never cared for The Hulk. Now that Simonson is jumping on, I'm not sure if I can continue to say 'no'. That cover is just gorgeous. So much energy and confidence in the line work.
January 8, 2013 10:00 am Anybody familiar with these stories? Think it's worth the 40$ price tag? I love Gil Kane's art, but I'm mot 100% sold on this. Might wait to see if I can pick it up on the cheap.
January 7, 2013 10:01 am Yeah, I've been watching those as well. Some of those close-ups of ink work are downright inspiring. Really excited to see his run start.
January 7, 2013 9:58 am On the whole artist vs. cartoonist thing. I always thought of being an artist is more about replicating a person, place, or thing visually. Cartooning is creating a line that is evocative of an image or idea. For example, there are many ways to draw something like rain, but choosing what lines you are going to use to tell the reader "it's raining" can have an effect on the mood in the panel. A good cartoonist knows how to present all the images in a panel in a way that the reader will notice what they're supposed to, and all the emotional subtext of the panel is communicated. Just my thoughts. Great list, the only two that I would have added are Chris Samnee and Tyler Jenkins. It's really been a fantastic year for comics artists(and of course...cartoonists)
December 28, 2012 2:18 pm Seriously, I can't think of a better time in comics in at least the last couple decades.
December 28, 2012 2:17 pm Wow, another damn fine list. Read allmost all of these, and they really were great series. My fav series this year has been Peter Panzerfaust. There is something magical about that book. I would also like to mention Planetoid, it's only 4 issues in, but it's really something special.