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Name: Samuel Chastain

Bio: Love comics, kind of a butthole, but go figure.  Hate most people, not their fault, just a personal thing.  But I'll keep to the important crap here, I like Hack Slash, Lobo (not that highway to hell crap, but the good old unamerican gladiator I fell in love with), batman, X 23 ( I still can't bring myself to call her anything else).  I also enjoy most things printed under the SLG banner as well as most Avatar items.  I work at a pharmacy, if that matters, and I go to community college (same there).  So that's me, I have been on this site before, so if anyone reads this changed intro, I will be surprised, but I thought I needed a new beginning here.

lobofan's Recent Comments
December 7, 2009 8:06 pm Alfred looks awesome.  More capable to take on the crap that Bruce will most definitely bring.
December 7, 2009 5:30 pm

I lose interest really fast, so having a continuity would be great, because, without one there would be no reason for me to pick up any (sequel's the wrong word, and not continuation, maybe constant reboots, but that sounds too boring... whatever).  So, am I interested, of course, but will I be there for long if there is no single thread drawing me to the next book? No.  If they wanted to drop continuity, why don't they bring out some Elseworlds titles.

Oh, and about reaching a new audience, think of it like this.  You hate SciFi, so you avoid it.  Then, one day, you're channel surfing and you pass SYFY.  It claims to be new, better, more accessible but it still looks like SciFi.  You don't risk wasting time on something you are already filled with misconceptions over.  You keep going and ignore it all together.

November 30, 2009 9:22 pm

I love Comics.  I have several long boxes full and need a few more for the issues left on my shelf.  But I don't think of getting rid of them, that would be insane for me.  Although I do get rid of old movies and television series from time to time, but that's different.  I don't love any of my possessions, other than comics.  Playstation, Television, anything but comics could be thrown out and I would be fine.  That's more room for comics. 

I generally keep/buy comics for one reason, and that is the joy of looking back at an old issue and saying "Yeah I remember that!"  If I had only the comics that I read yearly then I would have a very boring experience saying: "Oh yeah, that same crap for the one hundredth freaking time!"  See the difference?  REDISCOVERY  makes every comic in my collection worth having. 

But you guys do what you want, I could be as strange as my family says and my opinion mean nothing.

November 17, 2009 4:39 pm

oh joy

November 6, 2009 12:18 am

Okay, as the username implies, I am a little biased.  But I actually didn't pick this book up. I was retiscent about this Lobo.  I like Sam Keith and all that, so it wasn't the art, but really it was the fact that I love Lobo when written for the sole purpose of insults, gore and general insanity and I worried that this would not deliver.  Basically, Alan Grant and Giffen were and remain the kings of Lobo lore.

Please, tell me if there is uncontrollable insanity and fragging in this story.

October 28, 2009 1:14 pm

I hate when books go seven pages with just little sentences and then you get to the pivotal moment the author wanted to stress and all the characters grow an extra sixty I.Q. points and decide to go monologuing.  (Like Claymore, if you read Japanese comics)

October 22, 2009 7:40 pm It was the unusual size that drew me to Cowboy Ninja Viking. It was my favorite.
October 22, 2009 4:54 pm

Never gave it a thought.  But I like how the Absolute LOEG did it.  One big slipcase and two manageable books inside.

I do think that the problem of words being overtaken by the binding should be fixed by just adding a little white space to the side of the page.  Sure it can ruin two page spreads, but, between being able to understand the speech or not having to deal with a little white space in the middle of a big action scene, I think I can deal with a little white line.

October 22, 2009 12:09 am Haven't picked up a new Iron Man title in over three years (still haven't read them), so I wouldn't know what it is like.  But, I've begun giving Marvel a chance, so what the heck, it could be just the thing to get me pumped.