
Name: Craig Smith



Bryan Hitch’s cover for FF #554 doesn’t excite me at all.  It’s a bad movie poster, stiffly posed and uninspired. …

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delphan's Recent Comments
July 30, 2009 5:33 am

Awesome.  I wonder how many more issues they will sell.  I'm buying one.

And on the whole axes.  Are we really being that nerdy about a t-shirt joke inspired by a comic book character catch-phrase.  :-)  Do two nerdies cancel each other out?

It's a cool and clever t-shirt, not math.  

July 29, 2009 5:41 am @Paul - Americans, you have all the cool stuff.
July 28, 2009 8:11 am

Wait, how is Paul Montgomery posting from the wilderness!  Glad to hear you are still alive, thank goodness, Paul.

The Cons down here - when they even happen - are piss weak.  IMHO, anyway.  It might be exhausting, but the chance to meet, or even see, so many creators must be awesome.  Stan Lee, for f&^ks sake.

Funny as always, Jim. 


July 18, 2009 10:09 am I'm late on this, but well done Mr Ferringno.  That's some clever, funny writing.
July 17, 2009 7:16 am

@ Connor & Josh

Your comments in recent posts suggest you are frustrated or dissatisfied the community here.   I thing the posts in this thread were reasonable opinions overall.  I ask the same question stuclach did:  What did they do?

June 30, 2009 7:35 am

"I cleaned that room like dust had killed my family and framed me for the crime."

Hilarious.  Your wit makes me very jealous. 

June 26, 2009 7:07 am

Connors mum wore Joker shoes.  God, I hope that's true.  it's awesome.

I was 23 when Batman came out and, embarrassing as it might be now, I wore exactly the same wardrobe as Josh.  Except for the shoes, damn it.  Couldn't ever find a pair in my size.

I wore so many pins it looked like I'd had some sort of strange falling accident in a novelty shop.

I also went to a viewing with everyone from my comic shop.

And, most surprising of all, I had a girlfriend who eventually married me.  How the hell did that happen? 

May 29, 2009 5:49 am

And, even to this day, I love Stray Toasters despite the fact that I still don't know that I understand what it's about.

The 80s were a great time in comics. 

May 29, 2009 5:47 am

The Shadow was one of the best books of the period.  Grown-up, ironic, hilarious.  It's sad that so few people seem to know of it.

The story I was given back then by my LCS owner was that the owners of the Shadow estate didn't like the "modernising" of the character and pressured DC drop the book.  I think it was actually moderately successfully and it's demise was not about sales.  A short time later a traditional style Shadow book started and, as far as I'm aware, lasted barely a few issues.  I loved that book and still have the issues boxed in my spare room.



May 27, 2009 7:10 am

Three weeks behind is nothing, my friend.  I'm so far behind that I have my unread books organised by week. I'm currently reading the books I bought the weeks of 8 April.  Feel better.

I also read Books of Magic when it came out and remember it fondly.  And all the art is gorgeous.  I read it again a few years ago and thought of Harry Potter (owl, glasses, the general look of Tim) but done with Gaiman's class and darkness.  Fantastic stuff.  Time to read it again I think.