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Name: Brent Ecenbarger

Bio: Favorite Comics: Savage Dragon, DnA Nova/Guardians of the Galaxy, Peter David's X-Factor, Wildcats, Deathmatch, Saga (or anything by BKV).



Top Cow’s Pilot Season books have been a great source for fun one-shots over the past 4 years, however the…

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November 15, 2012 10:08 am I liked his book the Order, but agree I haven't cared for anything else he's written (I thought his X-Men and Ironman runs were both very bland). After reading this issue, I'm on the fence about picking up another. It sort of feels like Mortal Kombat: Annihilation to me, where sure there are some similarities to the first movie but it feels like they've recast Franklin and Reed with worse actors and decided to go more epic instead. (And yeah, I might be the first person to compare Hickman's amazing FF run with Mortal Kombat the movie.)
November 15, 2012 9:55 am I love both Bloodshot and A&A... I thought Harbinger was the weakest but now every book is awesome.
November 2, 2012 11:15 am Just read the rules again. I still don't know if Fantastic Four qualifies now that it's over. Also, I'm the only person to mention Savage Dragon. So, I'm supposed to write something. Doesn't seem much point in doing so for either.
November 1, 2012 3:07 pm If Fantastic Four counts (it came out in the last month) that'd be my pick. Otherwise I'll go with Savage Dragon.
October 31, 2012 1:41 pm I'm at work, so I can't check, but I think I bought a copy of Clockwork at a small Indiana comic convention. Good stuff.
October 2, 2012 2:03 pm A lot of great books on there. I'd recommend reading anything that looks interesting and just dropping the ones that don't connect with you. If anything you might want to try branching out into independent titles; check out the previews magazine and the descriptions in companies like Image, IDW, Boom, Oni, Archaia and Archie and some will probably look interesting to you, or at least worth trying out.
October 2, 2012 9:27 am Avengers Academy Danger Club Earth 2 Fashion Beast Planet of the Apes: Cataclysm Stormwatch Hypernaturals Thief of Thieves Uncanny X-Men BQ: Horror movies all month long. (Also, just dropped Swamp Thing and Animal Man... feels like the right decision seeing part one of four in each book for more rot world dragged out storytelling.)
October 1, 2012 2:54 pm For me, it has nothing to do with a reboot vs a relaunch, or all at once vs none at all. I am enjoying the new 52 books, buying a ton more DC than ever before, and being treated fairly as a customer. Books come out on time, are reasonably priced, and have stayed at a consistently acceptable quality. Marvel is charging a ton for their books, double shipping on top of that and forcing nearly all of their titles into crossovers. They are cancelling all the characters that aren't part of Avengers, X-Men, Spider-man or Fanrastic Four. Marvel ending their titles gives me a good spot to walk away. DC launching a new one makes me want to try it because I know what to expect 6 months from now (6 issues, high likelihood of same artist, $2.99 price, no line wide crossover).
September 27, 2012 10:19 am I agree, loved this issue.
September 24, 2012 2:41 pm I agree; Valiant's been the comic relaunch that's been handled the best. Even better than the Dark Horse Gold Key line a couple years back. Can't wait to see which titles they continue to bring back.