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Name: chris jenson


chronotis's Recent Comments
November 15, 2012 5:31 pm Could some of you tell me what is so appealing about Wolverine? I am not saying he is a bad character, I just want to know why people like him so much.
November 10, 2012 1:44 pm Whether you think he is an ass or not, Cyclops must be the most interesting character to follow in the Marvel Universe right now.
November 10, 2012 1:42 pm Yes exactly! Wolverine used to be an anti-hero. That is what made him popular, but now he is the straight up archetypal hero and Cyclops is the anti-hero. They have switched places, just as was suggested at the end of AvX Consequences.
November 3, 2012 12:28 pm What is the big deal about saga. Guys with antlers and people with outdated computer screens for heads... I don't get it.
October 31, 2012 7:48 pm Fraction's run on Iron Man was really good. Fear itself, sucked.
October 25, 2012 6:27 pm It doesn't matter that Cyclops turned out to be right about the phoenix force re-igniting the x-gene. He was acting on a hunch with no good evidence that it would work going in. He was willing to risk the destruction of everyone on a hunch. That was recklessly stupid! Furthermore, if Cap hadn't tried to stop Cyclops, Hope never would have got the training in K'un L'un and would never have teamed up with Scarlet Witch to wish the Phoenix force away. Cap was right, Cyclops is a reckless douche who deserves to rot in jail.
August 29, 2012 12:14 am If you don't like the story, don't buy the book.
June 12, 2012 7:00 pm I really wanted to like this movie, but it was utter crap. "That is what I choose to believe." This is the reasoning that convinced people to go into suspended animation for two years and took on a mission where they risk their very lives. Wow, just, wow! So, I can just walk out in front of a car and "choose to believe" I will be okay. Everybody on the ship was dumb as a stump with the exception of the robot, David. Removing your masks, just because the air was breathable, uh, duh! Can we say PATHOGENS. The biologist guy goes ripe up to the evil snake thing cooing at it like it is a bunny rabbit, even after it is obviously in attack display. This guy is supposed to be a highly qualified biologist!?!?! Are you bleeping serious! Oh yeah, and by the way, you wouldn't see water bubbles around DNA as in the scene early in the movie, you would see water molecules if you are zoomed in that much. I also like how Noomi Rapace's character just gets up from major surgery and starts running around like nothing happened. I am willing to suspend disbelief for a good sic-fi show, but it was like this show was purposefully anti-science and pro-stupidity. I frankly found it offensive.
April 3, 2012 1:15 pm I liked the first issue of this. I though Morrison was going to spend some time having a de-powered superman be a progressive hero going after corrupt politicians and arms dealers like he did in the late 1930's. So far we haven't seen much of that. Though I liked the side story about Steel. In fact I think it would be cool if they just had Sholly Fisch take over the book. I am going to stick with the book for now.
January 22, 2012 1:32 pm I just started reading this issue. What is the point of sending Ninja's after Wolverine? He is just going to heal to fast for it to matter. Ninja's just aren't a real threat to Wolverine.