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Name: Char Robinson

Bio: You are an animal. AWOOO!

chazbot's Recent Comments
September 19, 2008 12:40 pm Definitely going to read this. Maybe I'll even try to get the gf to read it. It's always great to find comics that can be enjoyed by all.
September 7, 2008 5:31 pm Seeing as this got ten more pulls than usual based on the cover, I guess it worked well enough for Larsen. I was disappointed because I couldn't get to the LCS until this weekend, which was evidently too late to pick up a copy. Guess I'll have to wait until the second printing. Oh yeah, and noro26, way to lay a potshot at the quality of the title. SD is hands down one of the best super hero titles on the stands, even if it can't get out on a monthly schedule.
August 26, 2008 12:50 pm Hearing all this praise for Fear Agent makes me want to try it out again. I bought the first 7-8 issues when it initally came out at Image and I enjoyed it. I guess I dropped the title due to money. It'd be worth pulling out those issues and rereading them and then maybe tracking down a trade or two to see if it can pull me back in.
August 26, 2008 12:34 pm

Quite a few books I am excited about reading. Both Spideys, Proof, and Brit may be my top reads. Of course, the SI tie-ins might trump those.

BQ: Hmm...go for a neck beard! Someone's got to bring that style to the forefront.


August 26, 2008 12:30 pm I am really digging what was set up in the first issue of this arc. You can really see them fleshing out the Proof universe. And more sweet Rossmo art!!!
August 26, 2008 12:27 pm I believe Nate Bellegarde is actually on art chores for this. I like Rathburn's art, but if this means we're going to get more issues of Brit, then I'm for the art change. Hopefully with the first arc being collected and it coming out regularly, more people will start picking up Brit.
August 26, 2008 12:11 pm Fantastic article. I think this really sums up the type of experience one has with their first shop and also realizing that comics are more than a passing hobby. This could so be in a book of essays, imo.
August 22, 2008 11:57 am Great, fun issue. Fantastic art and coloring. I'm loving the series and how things are getting set up. I think there is a lot of potential and I hope there won't be as big of a delay before the next issue. I think delays would be the only thing to keep it from becoming a successful series for Image.
August 22, 2008 11:51 am

We definitely all need to do our part to help spread the books we love to newer readers (WITHOUT trying to force them down someone's throat).
I had a good friend in town who kind of likes comics and was looking for something new for him to get into. I lent him the first two Invincible trades to take on his trip. When he got back, he went and ordered trades 3-7 online. That's fantastic. I doubt it means it will get him into a comic shop weekly, but it might turn him on to other Kirkman work or trying to find more trades of popular, newer superheroes.

July 11, 2008 1:06 pm

I liked the backup as an addition to the already fine feature. I definitely miss my monthly dosage of SD and feel that reading issues in bunches is kind of the only way to remember everything that's going on. I'm glad to see that Larsen has recommitted his time to the title and can't wait to get it on a near-monthly schedule again soon!