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Name: Jared Friedrich



This is my first review of a comic book ever, so bear with me. As someone that just got back…

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bobthecob's Recent Comments
May 7, 2009 5:00 pm If Jacob is someone we have seen already I will be dissapointed. That just seems like an extremely lazy way to build up this guy. "Oh Jacob is the bee's knees" and it turns out to be somebody from the cast. That to me would blow hard. Some people are convinced because of the time jumps that Jacob is one of the losties. But that doesn't explain how Richard knew who he was in 1954. And None of the Losties that we know of got stuck in ancient times so it just wouldn't make sense to me unless something in the finale changes all that. But there is a lot of stuff that is going to go down next week and I hope it is all awesome.
May 7, 2009 11:43 am Liked this book and have always liked Cannonball just because like Cyclops his power seems kind of weak and goofy but he uses it in the most awesome ways. Liked this book and can't wait to see more.
May 7, 2009 11:28 am Agreed Wade the art is almost distracting and but I enjoy the story and wonder how they are going to bring it all to a close in the next issue.
April 17, 2009 1:00 pm Have they done a show on The Dark Tower stuff or The Stand because that stuff is awesome You could even tie it in with Locke and Key since Joe Hill is Stephen King's son.