
Name: Robert Harding


bobby2889's Recent Comments
May 2, 2012 7:20 pm Ok so Dinah needs to run a florist again and Olly needs to regularly dropped by purely so we can have this woman hanging around the shop being annoying just to bump into him so she can gratuitously perv and flirt. That would be comic gold. Please someone make this happen.
April 27, 2012 8:09 pm Also he did seem to be hinted he was going to make changes (changing Hawk's look) but he had to make choices and so the book got left before he was able to really play in that sandpit as much as he planned
April 25, 2012 7:48 pm Yes it would. As long as it wasn't the Osborn style Thunderbolts/Dark Avengers route. I like the idea of villains being molded into heroes whether they like it or not. That and the new take of villains doing what the hell they like for as long as they can get away with it.
April 25, 2012 7:47 pm I think that book would have to be sheer amazingness. Think about doing it with Wolverine is many people would have the attitude of 'seen it'. I'm not sure Disney would really come into it but for me I'd have no real urge to pick up a Wolvie solo book of him hack/slashing unless it was by a master creative team. (I guess if all the points mentioned above were taken on board for example.) Same goes for Deadpool or the X-Factor crew. It feels a tad...obvious sounds wrong but it would be nice for new muscles to be flexed. Unless it was sheer brilliance that is.
April 25, 2012 7:44 pm Or Night Raven:
April 25, 2012 7:40 pm D-Man? Set in Central Africa where he has retired as a 'hero' and does charity work building schools? Now he has to face the effects of a Kony style video to out M'Baku. Just came to me. If I may be so bold...I'd read that
April 25, 2012 5:58 pm Good points for a title that deserves to be more of a Marvel Vertigo line. I'm interested in what character people think could be given the treatment that haven't already been MAX'd.
April 25, 2012 3:55 pm Wow I didn't know people had attacked HIM for this. I find that shocking.
April 25, 2012 3:54 pm Respect this guy for doing what he thought was right as an industry insider. As someone outside the interview on Comics Alliance was interesting. For me it tends to be that creator politics do not effect my readership. As an English grad something you study early on is the relationship between author and work and it becomes apparent the only answer to the question of how you should study and interpret work when reading it is 'its your personal choice'. So for me I find it hard to boycott something if I think I will enjoy the story as for me that is an individual identity. Voices and opinions within a work, no matter how strong, do not always reflect the author and so I generally separate the two instinctually. Its interesting to hear the argument that JMS has a problem with logic thus he has no right to be writer that book (or rather that someone wont buy the book based on that). I'm not really saying he's wrong its just not an attitude I'd come across. Boycotting companies whose business structure you think is immoral and damaging to an industry makes sense but the JMS thing was kinda new to me in a way. Or at least it was new to hear it expressed so well and coherently and without unnecessary profanity and ignorance