
Name: Robert Harding


bobby2889's Recent Comments
May 14, 2012 1:54 pm but as far as we know Nick Fury in the films is not powered by the Infinity Formula (thankfully) and so is probably as old as he looks and could have got that (fictional) job I guess. Different character from the ol' Howler
May 14, 2012 11:54 am I think race is not a major issue as long as the character on spot. If the major part of the character is there race then you need to address that. A secluded African kingdom? Black Panther kinda has to be black. A mystical race who come from other planets but who may have possibly inspired a primitive culture, who undoubtedly would have imaged them to reflect their own viking culture whether they did or not? Heimdal can be whatever colour you like, I think. Luke Cage, false imprisoned on drugs charges who changes his ways and goes back to reinvigorate and do good in the ghetto he was raised in by giving the youth the chance to get out of the gangs. He is just so entrenched in that world he kinda needs to be the Luke Cage we know. That said I think the race issue can become to much of a problem and its not really the point. I think Michael Clark Duncan made that role his own, though it helps Kingpin is not a race specific character (which I just realised is a horrible phrase). Anyway my problem with casting the Rock is he just doesn't strike me as the right fit. And I like him.
May 14, 2012 11:49 am I love the concept and the idea of a spin-off film. Maybe if they had a heroes for hire series (like one of the shorter fill in season series- like the River) then people might have a taste for Cage without having to lay out the work of building up to one film just to lead into this film. I do like a lot of the casting but I'd still prefer Terry Crews for Cage. I didn't like that idea when I first heard it called but its really growing on me. As for Ghost I really see somewhere more like Nolte playing him. Or better yet (and again totally different) Michael Emerson. I like the rest of the calls though. You got your teams Cap, Hulk, Iron Man, psycho lady Thor, sonic Black Widow and pure evil Hawkeye there too. Maybe seed throughout the movie that the villains are planning to break ranks at a pivtoal point of the plan but ultimately a few Songbird and Ghost perhaps, turn on their teammates and decide to really make a go of being heroes. Film would end with Ghost disappearing, the crooks eventually getting away and Songbird and Cage looking through files for the next stage of recruitment??? Then you have the idea of villains pretending to be 'heroes' but being disingenuous as well as some genuinely converting plus the latest tone of a rotating cast of characters.
May 12, 2012 9:52 pm sans Flash for some reason
May 12, 2012 9:52 pm Anyone else notice the 6 who were missing for 16 hours were specifically the Justice League from the animated JL show
May 9, 2012 5:53 pm Depends who voices it and if they are any good at story reading. Its an art. If you go on to you'll quickly find many people who cannot read stories well. A few can. Also I'm slightly pernickety with who reads my stories to me. Tolkien, Shakespeare, Dickens, Dahl should only be read by English, preferably older, men. I know that might be bad but that just sounds right to me in a way. Poe and Whitman need to be read by Americans.
May 9, 2012 2:04 pm ^ so agree to the dog walking at night thing. Though I think my dog would prefer to be walked when the suns up but that's his problem not mine.
May 9, 2012 2:03 pm This is vague and made me sound like a douche. What I meant was people who think that aren't interested in stories have probably never stopped to realise that in some form they are. All people do is tell stories in some fashion or another. Whether you want to take a religious stance and say its an echo at God's 'In the Beginning was the Word' or whether its an evolutionary quirk that has allowed us to become the dominant life form (or maybe you like a little of both) people are stories tellers. Now some are consciously pursuing stories for the sake of stories other merely know they like gossip or American Idol but at the end of the day everything is shaped and given character by the words used to explain it or describe it.
May 9, 2012 2:00 pm comprises. I never said spelling was important did I?
May 9, 2012 1:02 pm I feel people who do not love stories have failed to tap into the very thing that compromises...well everything. Words shape everything.