
Name: Robert Harding


bobby2889's Recent Comments
January 19, 2012 1:21 pm Love em all! The original one we say, as was hoped, does work in the right context and the others just look cool. Looks professional and will sit nicely alongside those trades with a red bar running down the side. It just works.
January 19, 2012 9:58 am You just know those trees got her
January 18, 2012 11:39 am Also I'd argue for this look for my idea of a punch-first, ask question later grumpy curmudgeon with a noggin that's taken a pounding or two over the course of a lifetime:
January 18, 2012 11:24 am Hmm I'm not sure about the metahuman angle. I always liked the really early idea of a simple former boxer taking to the streets. I'd say way back in his hey-day he was dubbed the Wildcat in the ring and had a celebrity status as an anti-drugs campaigner, having seen what it did to young sportsmen. One day he is told to drop a fight by a mob-boss who has money riding on the other guy and he wont. Instead the mobster puts money on Grant and sets it up so Grant kills the guy. On top of that drug tests were carried out on him which the gangsters organised to be announced as positive. He was banned from ever fighting and his name stained. He went into early retirement and hid in Suicide Slums. I'd love to see a story of a washed up boxer in his old age, running a beaten down gym and hitting the bottle pretending he doesn't need anything else out of life. Until mafioso gangs start to encroach on the ghetto around the gym and unlike the regular hoods they don't know ol' man Grant will give them the smack down. He starts fighting back. An old man's one man war on organised crime. Wearing an old promotional costume he hits the streets as the Wildcat. Now and then bumping into long-forgotten friends and fans from the old days (such as a young man who grew up in the same slum as him named Alan Scott or one of his heroes as a young man, The original Flash). I just like the simple idea of a retired guy kicked ass to protect his neighbourhood. Not sure who would draw it but Haspiel would still be cool on art.
January 16, 2012 2:41 pm AvX would have been catcher than AvsX which is one syllable too many. Still you're damn right about cover treatments. I actually want to read this. Though X-Sanction has not got me hooked at all. Also I think the second cover somewhat answers the question regarding ol Muttonchops raised in the first solicit. Silly old Marvel.
January 12, 2012 7:48 am I don't really buy monthlies only in trades as it saves money and I'm a poor student and they make good items on a wish list. That said I am interested in this. Not sure I'll get it as and when but I'll keep an eye out. I'm 22 so really have no experience with Simonson and from single panel shots I am not attracted greatly. I am aware though that he is a story teller and certainly in this medium there is a difference between the guy who can do pinups and they guy who moves you through a journey. I hear great things and am interested. I wouldn't say I'm excited but I wouldn't say I'm apathetic either.
January 9, 2012 6:43 pm @Baltika: I said the weirdness of the issue is less that he didn't say 'my bad' instead he said 'my bad. also breastfeeding is icky.' Which it was pointed out, one would assume we'd all got to grips with.
January 7, 2012 11:05 am They did Wolverine vs Squirrel Girl in New Avengers recently. The runty Canuck got his ass kicked its fair to say
January 7, 2012 11:01 am I said it was potentially mindless and a marketing tool but I never said it was a bad thing or that I was against it. While I like a book that has something more interesting to say I sometimes just like superheroes cos they punch good.
January 6, 2012 3:20 pm Very simple idea that could potentially be a mindless, explosive cash cow but its an idea I've not come across and to be fair even if it is a mindless, explosive cash cow that's not a given negative. The talent behind it is really enough for me to trust there will be some meat on the bones of this set-up. Its nice to have a different take on how to structure a story or mini series. Shame its another tie-in/spinoff