
Name: Robert Harding


bobby2889's Recent Comments
February 6, 2012 10:48 am well i'll be damned
February 3, 2012 12:21 pm I was initially against it until I couldn't think of a valid reason why. Now i just hope its great. DC are getting really smart lately. Which was definitely needed. Call it gimmicks if you like but its savvier than Marvel's string of 'gimmicks' as of late. Pull your socks up folks.
February 1, 2012 9:19 am Damn why is this winning me over???
February 1, 2012 8:19 am As for the idea of Moore himself building on myth I agree that is essentially to story telling. Its the only way things are passed on. But that's a tad different (imo) at least to taking one person's narrative and continuing it. Not that it shouldn't be done I just wonder how well it'll be done. I think if you can't have something measure up to the original in its own right or at least say new and interesting stuff about it then is it worth doing? Even if its good it just feels a little like...couldn't you have done something amazingly fresh and new that didn't have an awkward notion hanging in the air above it. That said I'd love it to be great.
February 1, 2012 8:14 am I mean really this just seems not great. I really want to be positive but what jumps out the most for me is that it is a collection of stories by various teams and I just feel that won't gel with the voice of the Watchmen: a coherent singular narrative. I just think its one of those things that didn't require expansion and to spin out of it further franchise building work seems someone to earth it and sully something that was so defined in and of itself.
January 30, 2012 3:13 pm I would love to see a West Wing type series starring superheroes. I mean I suppose that's what Ex Machina is but something new and fresh would be interesting.
January 27, 2012 4:25 pm I'm pretty sure most people just call it the internet
January 19, 2012 1:40 pm 'One of the main criticisms I had about the DC relaunch was that they didn’t do enough to differentiate themselves from the past. Their old logo was an updated version of their older logo. It was for comic book fans who already existed, but wanted to modernize, but not too much. Well, here’s your change. It looks like a modern company, and it’s malleable within their various brands.' That the goal. As for your sales point that's a different matter. Though it does present DC are a far more organised, coherent managed modern company. That's the point of branding.
January 19, 2012 1:22 pm After the kind of money made off of it??? Presumably this guy: