
Name: Robert Harding


bobby2889's Recent Comments
February 20, 2012 3:38 pm was it Josh? Was it Pym?
February 18, 2012 7:46 am I love that the comments seem to more often than not only ever assert Josh's claims/opinions.
February 18, 2012 7:45 am Dying in a blaze of glory is one way to do that I guess.
February 18, 2012 7:44 am Oh he is broken as a figure. As a person. That's OK. You can't ignore it that's stupid. But to make his redemption all he has doesn't work either. Problem is, like Josh is saying I think, its a Catch 22. You can't gloss over it cos its too far gone now. Its in people's minds since its all that he's been for years. If you dwell on it then you continue that which makes him one note. You need a smart writer to say 'this isn't bad for character development. We can do something with this'. No he will not be the world's greatest hero and his attempts to (or the attempts of writers to make him) just that only exemplify his lacking and faults. They need to stop overcompensating is essentially what I'm saying. Try to help us think about something else but let that come through quality of story-telling not forced story features. Sure it'll always be there but it doesn't need to be all that is there imo.
February 18, 2012 7:39 am He didn't say a whole lot else worth latching on to. Yet another point made without reading prior comments.
February 17, 2012 1:08 pm Why do people find it negative to have a more in depth character? Maybe less heroic but Marvel has a legacy of taking violent criminals and having them try to atone. Hawkeye outgrew is sins but Hank commited his while a hero. Can't people accept it happened and go 'Okay lets just see what stories come from this.' Sure it might leave him one note but done well it can be a thought-provoking note.
February 17, 2012 10:15 am I much preferred the subtlety of the earlier Challenger's cover. I guess it was a test mock-up thing before the final was approved. I know this happens a lot but it seems some of the mystery, the 'unknown' if you will, was replaced for the action and adventure. As far as a cover goes the one Paul posted is eyecatching and does the job well. I know its probably just my personal preference but the sheer fact I didn't see the face the first time round in the one I just posted makes me like it a lot. I like things to be hidden in the image, especially in a secret-mysteries-of-the-world context
February 14, 2012 4:59 pm I'd never considered picked up JLD until I saw these panels. This is why Upstarts is a really smart use of the website. That said I kind of want to pick it up and it be standalone. I want something magical that doesn't interact much with the rest of the DCU. Like how Authority rarely touched on the rest of Wildstorm. I just don't want to feel like there is tonnes more in the background that I'm missing. I know the book begins with the traditional heroes being unable to fight a mystical foe but is there much more crossover in with the DCU. Obviously there is Dove but...
February 10, 2012 8:06 am I love that 'oh look its snowing outside' got no reaction or comment cos it made me chuckle. Anyway really great session once again