
Name: Robert Harding


bobby2889's Recent Comments
March 14, 2012 2:44 pm If Howard Wollowitz was bald and had a deeper voice=Brian K. Vaughn
March 14, 2012 6:52 am Ultimate Colossus isn't bald. He just has shinier, sleeker hair :-D that said JRJ hasn't been turning in his best stuff lately. I've actually come to realise I'm not a huge fan of his sketchier style unless he has a great inker. When him and JMS were on Spider-Man a lot of that stuff looked amazing. But then his Avengers work recently was a little...well...messy. Its the inker that really make his work.
March 14, 2012 6:52 am Ultimate Colossus isn't bald. He just has shinier, sleeker hair :-D that said JRJ hasn't been turning in his best stuff lately. I've actually come to realise I'm not a huge fan of his sketchier style unless he has a great inker. When him and JMS were on Spider-Man a lot of that stuff looked amazing. But then his Avengers work recently was a little...well...messy. Its the colours that really make his work.
March 14, 2012 6:50 am I'm sticking with Colossyrak :-D
March 13, 2012 2:42 pm Jugossus or Colossyrak are the correct terms you are looking for
March 9, 2012 1:33 pm I've only ever bought trades to be fair. I'm still in university and prefer to save up for a single spendage and also they look nicer on a shelf. You get the cool covers in the back in what I see as a cool gallery and for me the package just feels more complete and delicious. Yes I used that word to describe a comic. I do see your point about it clashing however if you decide to do it across the books then its hard to pick a single banner that'll work on all.
March 9, 2012 8:41 am I've not read this yet but the cover has put me right off. The artist clearly doesn't know the character at all. Where is his dangling phallic nose/beard and his floppy eyebrows. Why has he got a nose and a mouth. This is just awful. It's not even DC for heck's sake its.... WHAT THE HELL!?!? THIS ISN'T MAN-THING!!!
March 9, 2012 8:38 am I think it does its job pretty well. Its bland and generic and that's exactly right. It draws your attention by being there but the characters that belong to DC are silhouetted. Sure that adds a mystique and draws the eye but it also removes their details and importance and the focus is more on the words than the images which are stripped of feature and colour. I think putting this on the cover of a comic book is a bold choice but valid. People should be forced to look at that sort of thing other wise they turn away. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnyway, can't wait for the trade. They work out cheaper and I have no money currently lol. Though am I right in thinking this will be the first issue of the second trade? Cos that's gonna suck
February 22, 2012 5:53 pm I always liked the idea that Reed was a one off. He was the modern day Di Vinci. The master of everything. Whereas Stark had tech and Banner was an expert in radiation, Reed's first power was knowing how to do everything. I think the early volumes of Ultimate Fantastic Four really caught onto that idea. I like to think of Jor-El as being more or less very like Reed.
February 22, 2012 5:50 pm See some people would moan 'its just a comic stop taking it so seriously' but this article pointed out why the world needs men who think like Ryan. Because now the idea is out there I find it impossible to believe that nobody who read this article feels the same as me....we need a Young Jor-El: Di Vinci of Krypton. I mean seriously! The Space Renaissance man meeting Lara? No, nobody want to write that?