
Name: A.J. Howard


a.j.howard09's Recent Comments
October 8, 2012 5:33 pm Hey, enjoyed the show. I'm not sure how useful this'll be, but here's some clarification on the Legends of the Dark Knight Series. There have been 18 digital issues so far, with a new issue released each Thursday. Each digital issue is around 24 slides, meant to be viewed in landscape on your tablet. So each issue is roughly half the length of a standard DC book. I haven't seen the print edition, but it sounds like the first three issues were included. Later issues alternate between stand alone stories and three parters. Out of the issues not included on this edition I can specifically recommend issues #11-13, written by Joshua Hale Fialkov and drawn by Phil Hester which centers on Slam Bradley from Brubaker's Catwoman run. Issue #16 is the one written by Jeff Parker and drawn by Gabriel Hardman, and it's pretty great as well. I would read the hell out of a bat-book by that creative team. It's a worthwhile $1 to spend each week to see how these creators attempt to tell a story in half the space they normally would have. Also, you get to see quite a few artists draw the Gotham universe who you wouldn't see under normal circumstances. The Lindelof/Lemire debut issue has probably been my favorite, but they've all been pretty solid.
September 25, 2012 11:30 pm Losing this and the change of direction in Jeff Parker's two books in order to let Daniel Way mash up the characters and concepts, except with more Deadpool, is like the time NBC only ordered a half season of Parks and Recreation to make way for that terrible Outsourced show combined with the time NBC fired Dan Harmon as the show runner from Community and brought on the guys from the late seasons of Just Shoot Me to replace him.
September 25, 2012 4:29 pm I can understand the motivation behind the whole "I'm not buying anything with an event banner" pledge, but it's a bastard brother to the "I have to buy everything with an event banner" habit. Both are silly in their own ways. I think most good writers are able to advance their books own ongoing story lines within the framework of the event. Maybe it's not ideal, but they find a way to make it work. Here, I think Aaron has done a really good job of advancing plot threads present since the first arc. If you skipped the past half dozen issues, not only have you missed some crucial developments, you've missed some pretty entertaining comics. Comics, I should add, that can be enjoyed really easily even while skipping the event book. And for what? I guarantee you the effect of your stand does not offset the number of readers who may be attracted by the banner above the title. Your lonely stand is not going to change editorial's mind. Yeah, you get your feelings of integrity, but is that worth it?
September 24, 2012 11:39 am Enjoyed the Nixon discussion. Still waiting for the Before Watchmen: Nixon solicit. I joke, but I'm 95% certain I would buy that. Still, felt like not playing out the show with Neil Young's "Campaigner" was a missed opportunity. "Down neon streets the streaker streaks. The speaker speaks, but the truth still leaks, Where even Richard Nixon has got soul. Even Richard Nixon has got it, Soul."
September 20, 2012 4:26 pm Gillen could write Kid Loki watching grass grow and I would buy it. McKelvie is just an added bonus. Awesome news.
September 12, 2012 5:01 pm I think I read an interview with Greg Rucka that one the reason his The Punisher was being cancelled was because it wasn't performing phenomenally well and Marvel wanted to use Frank in another series. If this is there plan, man... it just doesn't seem fair that we lose a Rucka series for this. From what I have heard Parker is going to keep on Dark Avengers but the Time-Bolts story is going to be wrapping up in the next couple months, and the focus is going to remain on the DA team. Sounds like a bummer, but I trust Parker enough to make it worthwhile. Similar with his switch from Red Hulk to Red She-Hulk. He'll find an angle that makes it worthwhile. Hey, maybe Rucka can do She-Punisher! Red She-Punisher?
August 14, 2012 2:41 pm Jesus... Is making someone think of a penis the best way to sell sandwiches?
August 14, 2012 2:39 pm You know, for the fourth or fifth issue of the last arc, I read the previous issues again, and what was an incoherent mess became a pretty decent story with a cohesive narrative thread. The structure of the issues, with the frequent jumps in time, character, and location, did not work at all in single issues separated by a month. However, it's a pretty cool when you read the story over a couple of days. Of course you have to judge the work on the means it was presented, so I still think people are justified in blasting the arc. Just saying, if you still have the issues around, you might find it worthwhile giving it another glance.
August 3, 2012 3:34 pm A little late here, but how so? I'm with Lester Bangs (at least with Phillip Seymour Bangs), "Jim Morrison is a drunken buffoon posing as a poet. Give me the Guess Who. They have the courage to be drunken buffoons, which makes them poetic." Personally, I'd go with Tom Waits for my Morrison analogy.
August 3, 2012 1:30 pm Jason Aaron has confirmed that he's sticking around on Wolverine & The X-Men. I would also assume that Brian Wood is staying on adjectiveless as well.