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Name: John Wolf


WolfDog's Recent Comments
November 1, 2010 11:41 pm

Just finished watching with the wife.  She told me she's passing on the rest of the series.  Not that it's bad, just that she can't take the slow, unrelenting bleakness.

It's that bleakness that has me hooked.  The show could have gone wrong in so many Hollywood ways (like how quickly The Event turned me off) but it didn't. 

October 22, 2010 12:52 pm I loved High Society, my favorite 'drunken aardvark in over his head' comics.  Church & State that followed continued to be good, going after religion the way govt was skewered in High Society.  After Church & State, Cerebus just got weird.  Too much fancy-pants navel-gazing for me.
September 25, 2010 2:28 am

Actually, Moore's Lost Girls ruined comics for me, or ummm... caused me to ruin comics.  Well, something got ruined.  Moving on...

 A prose writer friend of mine was just getting into comics, digging stuff like Essex County and Blankets, asked me for a superhero-y suggestion.  Asked me about 'this Watchmen thing people are always talking about'.  I said no, and pointed more in the direction of All-Star Superman, Ultimate Spider-Man, and Identity Crisis.  Thought it was way too 'Inside Baseball' for her.

As far as it's effect on my enjoyment of superhero stuff, practically none.  I can see how it affected the tone of comics after it, but I still enjoyed my stories.  If a book were ever gonna throw me off comics, you would have thought I'd swear off Marvel books after Sentry: Fallen Sun, but it didn't happen.

September 23, 2010 8:50 am I am interested.  I understand the same-as-print pricing in the fragile direct market business... and for something like Walking Dead that I would buy anyways I will pay it, but I would try more new books day&date if it was reduced.
September 22, 2010 10:44 am

Excellent show, it's a pretty brave subject.  Like a lot of people here, I couldn't give 2 shits about process... it's about if the art is appealing to me.  I can look at Andy Warhol's work and dismiss it as 2 color prints of existing material, but someone else can find his art striking and having meaning.

Some people try to make it an 'integrity' issue, but in my opinion I don't see any process as having less or more 'integrity'.  I think the only time that plays into it is when someone steals panels or figures from other artist's work and makes a definite attempt to decieve.  To be clear, I'm not talking about homage.. I think most people know the difference between Godland celebrating the look and feel of cosmic Kirby, and someone cutting and pasting a random panel from another book and filling in a new costume over it.  Like Ron's music analogy, Jet celebrates their love of AC/DC, but they don't just copy Girls Got Rhythm note for note and put new words on top of it.

It can be a really small distinction, as Nigel Tufnel said 'It's such a fine line between stupid and clever'

August 11, 2010 5:50 am

This got me thinking... where is the monkey movie for 2010?  I don't even remember one last year.  I thought Hollywood had a deal with satan to produce at least one monkey movie every year.  I tried looking it up on IMDB, but they are sorely lacking the monkey genre tag. People love monkeys.

I imagine somewhere in LA there is a faint odor of brimstone, and Space Chimps 2 being greenlit.

July 26, 2010 3:58 am

Ma Kent gets the nod for being spot on about that Eat, Pray, Love drivel.  God, that's a week of my life I can't get back.  Almost swore off bookclubs after that hunk of whiny goat snot.

- speaking of goat snot... that Aunt May panel is disturbing. 

May 27, 2010 10:59 am I'm good now.  A cup of coffee, a cigarette, a comfortable chair, and a wraith-taint.  The day is all downhill from here.
May 24, 2010 10:40 pm

Yay Northlanders!  I hope another series is following it soon.

 BQ - Twin Peaks.  Brilliant use of ABC's offer of a 2 hour finale to wrap-up the plotlines.  By leaving every major character in a cliffhanger forever.

May 18, 2010 6:59 pm

Thanks.  I had almost forgotten the short clip of 'Human Centipede' I witnessed.  So much for dinner.

 The edge goes to Croc, teamed up with Movie Theater Manager Man.  I can't remember if The Lizard can regenerate his tail, that could push it to even.

Either way, the real winners are the rest of the audience, who get a brief repreive from the screen abomination before them.