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Name: William



WilliamTrinity's Recent Comments
February 11, 2012 2:28 am Good point, fellows. The notion that multiple Earths or multiple continuities will confuse new readers is just kind of insulting. Don't insult the new people! We like new people.
February 10, 2012 8:24 pm I have my fingers crossed, and then crossed again with high hopes for this one. The post-Infinite Crisis Power Girl is probably in my top three favorite DC characters ever. I love the double tragedy of her back story, and then how she was evolved into such a multi-facet character. I want this to be good sooooo bad. And as a super PG fan, I was perfectly fine with the boob window. It was part of her character. She was a curvy girl, she had big boobs. Nothing wrong with that. I like boobs. Can't help but think that the "sexed-up New 52 controversy" had a lot of bearing on the redesign. I welcome a new take on my favorite character. I just hope it doesn't suck.
February 10, 2012 2:15 pm Grayson as Batman?!? I like where you're going. But now you got me hoping that it's Dick, Conner, and Donna Troy on that cover.
February 9, 2012 12:56 pm I like artist musical chairs better than writer musical chairs. While I'll miss Foreman on Animal Man and Dagnino on Resurrection, I'm interested in seeing other artists' renditions of these respective worlds.
February 9, 2012 12:34 pm More people watched Smallville weekly than read all the Superman monthly books combined. Pointless??? I think not.
February 9, 2012 9:04 am I dropped off the show maybe in like season 4. Can't even say I was a fan back then. But BQM! Yes, I'm in!
February 8, 2012 2:18 pm Harley has always been a favorite. I have the full run of her solo series from a couple years ago; pretty much the only time I ever went into collector mode to buy a complete run. I'm jumping on Suicide Squad for this short arc to see what they are doing with her.
February 3, 2012 7:14 pm @drdeeez, thanks for bringing up Halloween. It's a great way to compare. John Carpenter's original is a milestone in horror film, a game changer. But it had horrible sequels and a pointless remake (that had its own horrible sequel). But those other films do not effect the brilliance of the source material. You can still watch Halloween and appreciate it while completely forgetting everything that came after.
February 1, 2012 9:36 am Diehard Watchen fan here. I even have a tattoo to prove it. And this excites me. To the naysayers I reply, Get Over It. This was bound to happen. No great literary work is untouchable from reimagining, reinventing, sequels, and prequels. Cooke and Connor! If you're gonna do it, that's how you do it.