
Name: Michael Yanni


TheYanni's Recent Comments
June 15, 2010 10:54 pm I think the Incredible Hulk book has been great since it came back. Fall of Hulks was fun, and World War Hulks has been pretty good, can't wait to see how it ends. Greg Pak writes a good Hulk.
June 3, 2010 7:32 am

I think JRJr Hasn't looked this good in a while, loving it.

People keep thinking Wonder Man is going to be a bad guy, I think he's gonna join the team

June 1, 2010 2:26 pm They make it sound like Frank will be relatively back to normal soon with the whole "Prelude to Punisher: Reborn", so I don't know why they changed the title to Franken-castle...if they are just going to have to change it back
May 17, 2010 10:36 am

It depends on the series, and I mostly agree about Absolutes, though I think the Starman Omnibus' are the perfect size. Fables is pretty perfect in Trades. The only format I hate is the Premiere HC. Trade is 5 or 8 issues(depending on story size), HC  should be 8-12 issues. But I like having things on shelf and really starting to hate Boxes.

Only Absolute I own is Kingdom Come, it was an unsolicited gift, and possibly the only one of the only books that needs an Absolute...maybe Justice as well. 

November 16, 2009 10:37 am Hey guys, just listened to the episode. I like the show but feel your giving Kyle a bum wrap. He's headlined a GL book longer than any of them except Hal. What makes Kyle any more superfluous than John Stewart, or Guy. I like Kyle, I mean I like all the GLs. But specifically tell what makes Kyle any more superfluous than Guy? I mean just think about the freaking jump ropes they had to do to even make him a GL again in Rebirth...that made no sense. 
January 30, 2009 12:08 pm I made it my pick of the week based on that Wolverine/Spidey story alone. Wells continues to surpise me, he brings the heart and the funny. As much as I love Slott heading up Spidey most of the time, I want to see a lot more of Zeb Wells. He just writes damn good spider-man stories.