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Name: Travis Macken


TMacken's Recent Comments
August 18, 2009 2:52 pm

My LCS very rarely gets extra books that aren't from the big companies, so I miss out on trying new stuff all the time. They will only order an issue, if it's presold, basically you signed up to buy it via previews. I'm the type of person that would rather flip through a book before I pick it up. So I think this would be ideal. Especially if a series doesn't really get good for several issues, you read the current, and you don't have to go back issue hunting or wait for the trade, you just buy them in Longbox and read them instantly. Just looking forward to being able to pick up the stuff I can't seem to get from the LCS without a prior commitment.

August 2, 2009 8:06 pm Happy to be a member for all the excellent content and conversation, this is just icing on the cake. Excellent.
July 7, 2009 1:39 pm OK, so which Project Greenlight movie was watchable, Battle of Shaker Heights, or Feast?
July 4, 2009 2:14 pm Such a heartwarming sentiment, thanks for caring Josh.
June 24, 2009 12:59 pm @conor, what about the stuff you currently read in trade, like "The Walking Dead" would the lower price point, and lack of need for storage of single issues, cause you to pick it up monthly?
June 24, 2009 12:52 pm @conor, would you still purchase trades of the books, if you also had them on your computer?
June 24, 2009 11:33 am

I'd think if they were going to offer a digital copy, along with your trade, they'd want do do that in the form of a download code, as opposed to DVD. Since the publisher could handle the printing of the code, themselves, all it costs is bandwidth then.

June 22, 2009 3:47 pm @Josh: Are you going to publish your first book, via longbox? That might get the whole ifanbase to check it out.
May 15, 2009 9:44 pm

I read it from the library and really enjoyed the series, just trying to convince myself to spend the money on this. It is very tempting 

May 15, 2009 6:10 pm This looks really good, it's also being limited to 1,250 signed and numbered. At least that's what Terry Moore said on Twitter.