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Name: Joseph Charneskie



I admit in my insular Marvel Zombie existence I didn’t know this existed till I was in a different comic…

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This issue works well as both a Doctor Who story and the TNG story. We see Picard struggling with his…

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Lets get the worn out buzz words out of the way first… Meta, Post-Modern… there now I can tell you…

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MutantSentry's Recent Comments
March 5, 2013 2:20 pm SQEEEE! I love when a fleet of Iron Men armors show up...
March 4, 2013 5:00 pm Was Phantom Jack any good?
March 2, 2013 8:36 pm I heard Stephanie Brown will come back in the wake of Damien's death... her new code name is Twitter...
February 28, 2013 9:27 am They should throw Doc Ock, Kraven and Vulture in got a full Sinister Six
February 28, 2013 9:12 am Also, the original "Sexy Spider-Woman" Halloween Costumes...
February 27, 2013 1:08 pm Well... it just isn't the Batcave with out a Robin Costume in a glass case, ya know?
February 26, 2013 7:37 am Avengers Arena--- Still waiting to see how Arcade got the tech/power to pull this off... this killer island thing is so far beyond giant killer pinball machines... Avenging Spider-Man--- Otto-Spider and the Future Foundation, should be fun FF---Loving the art, still getting a feel for the post Hickman F4/FF.... Guardian of the Galaxy---Alright Bendis, I was never sold on your Avengers stuff, but I've been enjoying the X-stuff, lets see what you got for Cosmic Chops... Hawkeye---Well, hell yeah Masks---Wait, a non-Marvel book? How'd that get in here... oh yeah a Pulp Crossover book... Uncanny Avengers---Excited for Sunfire to join the team.... Uncanny X-Men---Magneto betrayed the X-Men, unsurprising... but to SHIELD?! X-Men Legacy---Who knew Legion could be so entertaining, course the only Legion thing I've read before this title was the Legion Quest story arc that kicked off Age of Apocalypse back in the day... Young Avengers---The first issue was great, hope they keep it up BQ: Meh, didn't watch, didn't care.
February 25, 2013 2:43 pm Yes, Annuals as a replacement for Marvel Team-Up... but that Daredevil/Deadpool was one of the high lights (and one of the firsts, I think). A personal favorite of that collection was Captain America/Citizen V, which wad really for of a Thunderbolt story despite not having the Thunderbolts in the issues...
February 21, 2013 3:54 am Very Luke and Leia... would they be considered siblings or is X-23 genetically more like Wolverine's sister, making her Daken's Aunt?
February 16, 2013 7:10 pm To me a cover should work like a movie poster. It should, in some way, make you want to see more of the story. That can be done with an image of an event (like the mentioned Spider-Man issue), an eyecatching stylized abstract cover (like the Hawkeye or Manhattan Projects covers), or even a beautifully rendered iconic hero/group shot. Now a steady diet of any one of these grows stale, and I agree the industry has been leaning on the iconic image for far to long now as the standard. I think the iconic image works well for a first issue, or a line-up change issue for a team book, or even for the issue that is the climax on a long storyline where we DON'T want a spoiler for what happens right up front. But when every issue has a shot like that it becomes hard to tell when you walk in if you actually read that issue or not (huh, another issue of Batman brooding on a gargoyle, did I read this one or not? Oooh, look at that Manhattan Projects cover, what is THAT about?) That said I can understand why a big grouo shot image makes sense for the start of Hickman's run, this particular image however, with a distorted fisheye effect that only makes sense when all three images are lines up, is just hard to look at for very long with out feeling fatigues. Now compair that to the huge group shot on Busiek and Perez's first issue of the Avengers back in '98. I love that image. It tells you nothing about what is in the book other than a lot of Avengers will be on hand (which is all this new image does does, and the new one actually give you most of the new team line up which is more than Perez did), but it is a much more fun image to look at. And sometimes you can have an image of an event that tell you what the story inside is about, even if the event doesn't happen in the book. Take Fantastic Four # 583, the first issue of the "3" storyline that ended in the Human Torch's death. We have an open grave and an unfished tombstone and the team looking in all direction like there is a threat surrounding them off panel. No part of the story takes place in a graveyard, but the story is about the impending death of one of the team. This image conveys the threat and the mystery of who it will be.