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Name: johannes braun


KaptainKindergarten's Recent Comments
December 20, 2011 12:18 pm Kapitän Amerika, Eisen-Mann, Donar, Falken-Auge, der Hüne und die Schwarze Witwe sind: Die Rächer. Rächer, versammelt euch in der Rächer-Villa. Dort warten Spinnen-Mann und Vielfraß.
December 20, 2011 12:02 pm I prefer the original with subtitles. German translations used to be ok for me when i was a kid. but nowadays i hear when the translators dont get it. Especially pop cultural references often dont survive the translation. Can't imagine watchin "the wire" in german.
December 20, 2011 11:40 am But smash can also be a noun... So "hulk schlag" is right, and sounds better
December 5, 2011 2:35 pm Oh, and then there are the 'Polo' books by Regis Faller. Not strictly comics but definitely sequential storytelling in wordless six panel pages. Working as a preschool teacher i have introduced those books to 3-6 year olds and have created many Polo fans. I let the kids 'read' the books to each other. I have much fun seeing, that the kids are understanding the invisible art that comics are, when they let me know that they are not only 'reading' what they see in the panels but also what happens in between the panels. These experiences often make me sad, that besides Owly, Korgi and Polo there are no other wordless comics for emerging readers. Because the 3-6 year olds find wordless picture books often too simple and can't read books with words on their own. At all creators: make more all ages wordless comic books!!
December 5, 2011 2:15 pm Also from top shelf is 'Korgi' by Christian Slade. It blows in the same horn as owly, as it tells a story without words. I recommend it for children at the age of 4+.
December 5, 2011 1:11 am At the end it says "concluded". First I thought it was a bad joke to end a series with part four of a five part story arc, but i guess someone just forgot the "to be...".