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Name: Brian

Bio: Devouring souls and crushing the faith of the innocent for almost 79 years now. A founding member of the council of Brians, who currently serves as Grand Magistrate of the South-Western North Atlantic Coast.



I see a lot of talk around the internet right now comparing this with DC’s Infinite Crisis and the Superboy…

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Not a good ending to the event (then again there are dozens of epilogue books out there now, so is…

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Here we go, just in time to cash in on I mean memorialize the tenth anniversary of 9/11, we get…

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Kamilo's Recent Comments
May 15, 2013 2:50 pm So muddi900, I'm curious, if you dislike the series so much, why are you still reading it? Every time this series comes up you seem to have to leave several messages about how its a "dirty retail trick" and how the story "meanders" and is "unreadable," BUT THEN YOU KEEP PULLING IT WEEK AFTER WEEK!! Are you a hypocrite or a masochist? At the very least you are annoying. From now on, we get it, you don't like it, you don't need to remind us. (FYI its fun to check complainers pull lists and comment histories!)
May 14, 2013 1:50 am Been enjoying the story so far, though I hope we get some kind of info dump on exactly what has been happening in this new universe since the Pym death. Quick publishing schedule, no Earth stopping effect on the rest of the books, tie-ins that have zero effect on their home series and are completely ancillary to the title, and a line-up that is so restrained that they will fit the entire series, tie-ins and all, into a single hardcover; basically this is the perfect event.
May 11, 2013 5:49 pm Image doesn't seem to do those large hardcovers unless its a really popular series like Chew or Walking Dead. Maybe I'm wrong (and I actually hope I am) but I don't think prophet is at that level, so it's trades or bust.
May 11, 2013 1:06 pm Uhh Super Batman of course. And who the hell let Wesley Crusher in?!? And in his awful rainbow ensign sweater too? Ugh!!
May 8, 2013 8:08 pm Gotta say, this, along with the other HC, is how you publish event comics.
May 2, 2013 7:44 pm Good issue, awful ending. I mean come on, Wolverine is both an avenger AND an uncanny avenger. No one could have thought to maybe ask him about these supposedly strange attacks he's been carrying out instead of instantly jumping to the force crash the x-jet option? Cause nothing like this ever happens in the Marvel U right? What ever happened to the reasonable intervention like with ock-spidey which can then devolve into fisticuffs if necessary?
April 22, 2013 3:46 pm Just curious, does anyone know how limited this series is going to be? It has to end somewhere, but will it be 6, 12, 30, 60 or more?
April 20, 2013 1:52 pm I'm hoping someone does a parody of this storyline in which the new future created is like the 90's on steroids. There are 14 Spidermen, all clones of each other with symbiote suits and none are Peter Parker. Every female character wears stripper outfits which are basically pasties, while the males are covered from foot to toe with pouches and triple barreled handguns. Onslaught is the only real opponent of the Avengers anymore who are completely made up of F-listers, and X-treme is now leader of the X-men. Everything in the new world is in chromium and drawn by Rob Liefeld. That'll teach them to mess with the time-stream!
April 17, 2013 2:24 pm What's wrong with Jim Carrey? He has some weird thoughts on vaccines, but that doesn't seem to be a good enough reason not to watch some truly great movies he's done over the years. Bruce Almighty, The Man on the Moon, The Truman Show, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, etc. Maybe Ryan just hates Canadians (can't really blame him though, ITS HAM NOT BACON!!!)
April 11, 2013 3:16 pm Here it is in a nutshell. The main complaint with most people, the iFanboys included, is that Fallen Sun basically just retcons a bunch of relationships for the Sentry so that there are people to be sad at his funeral. Reed Richards apparently used him as a sounding board for his various ideas and theories, Thing had a huge grudge against him, Daredevil and he had many team-ups, and Rogue and Sentry even had a serious sexual relationship. None of these had ever been hinted at before, but that's just the point. Remember, the Sentry is a character who basically embodies the concept of retconning. His origin was him being retconned as one of the first heroes in the Marvel U, they even tried putting him into the literal history of the industry with that Wizard article, how he got his powers was constantly changed throughout the years, the level of his abilities was constantly in flux as well as his relationship to the Void. Basically everything about the character seemed to be about reconning, and so rewriting the history of Marvel's characters as a send off seems perfectly in line with that tradition, its just that most people didn't catch the meta message of the issue.