
Name: Jesse Custer


JesseCuster's Recent Comments
May 15, 2013 12:34 pm Oh, I guess I did miss the distinction of 'collector' though. I collected comics to read them. I understand, there are people who go out and look for books to fill gaps in collections, or just want to own a particular issue of something, and aren't too concerned about reading them. But 'Collectors' vs 'collecting' is a whole other issue that you could write a whole other blog about.
May 15, 2013 12:31 pm "But then I realized that reading, in and of itself, is a hobby that many people enjoy, so it’s possible my entire idea of fine lines between collection, consumption, and creation are all just so much noise." Glad you were able to answer your own question. :) I no longer 'collect', I only read at this point. Mostly due to cost and economy (though I admit lack of space is becoming a factor). Either way, its one of my hobbies because its an area I have knowledge about and an activity I engage in. Wouldn't that be the real definition of a hobby? Something you have consistent and continuous interest in, and thus develop knowledge of, beyond common knowledge? Not collecting anymore does not take the 'hobby' away. Here's a question... what do you call the guy who got a Superman tattoo but never read a Superman book in their entire life, but declares how much the love the character? Those people I find...perplexing. That would be like if I got a Michael Jordan tattoo yet don't watch basketball.
May 14, 2013 11:02 am Or more his memories I should say, not imagination, though it kind of encompasses both here.
May 14, 2013 10:57 am The Dean Trippe picture... Batman escorting the child to a safe place = the child's imagination, where everything is possible and unlimited.
May 13, 2013 8:50 am Best guess/prediction: Ollie kills Merlyn Sr., that last straw that turns Tommy into Ollie's arch-nemesis. Though, I guess that's pretty obvious? Also get a total kick out of Roy Harper ALWAYS wearing his red hoodie sweatshirt. I wonder if there are non-comic book reading Arrow fans who think, "How come that guy never changes clothes?". lol.
May 13, 2013 8:45 am I caught that too... its what I love about Arrow, the easter eggs and trivia references is what keeps me going. Though, sadly, it also means Geo Force is friggin DEAD in this universe.
May 9, 2013 2:36 pm Sunfire's a mutant, which probably explains the changes.
May 8, 2013 4:15 pm er.... you missed The Dark Knight and Year One? :) Or you meant to exclude Batman toons? (if yes, I get what you're saying- I think they directed more budget to Bat-toons and Doom and Elite show it).
May 8, 2013 4:07 pm I've always thought the Johns story would make for a good film. Flip through the book and tell me that the real Braniac doesn't look like a green Dwayne The Rock Johnson. I also thought it was a great way to consolidate decades of Brainiacs and explain why there's so many variants.
May 7, 2013 2:55 pm What I find interesting is... no one mentions the connection back to IM1? Or am I just stating the way-too-obvious? Stark's kidnappers in IM1 = 'The 10 Rings', and one of the captors or fellow victims mentions the Mandarin as well(?) At least that's what I remember... I know for SURE they mention '10 Rings' in IM1 at least. So, you get to IM3 and you find out that The Mandarin is.... and that 10 Rings are..... so think about it. Who really helped create Iron Man? Who, as a result, was actually responsible for their own downfall? I think that's a pretty good 'full circle'.