
Name: Jesse Custer


JesseCuster's Recent Comments
May 7, 2013 2:49 pm Taylor Kitsch? I think you're letting your desires overtake your logic.
May 7, 2013 2:46 pm Meanwhile, PRIOR To IM3 when all anyone had to go off of was the teaser and trailer... people were b*tchin about it 'looking too dark' and "Why do all hero movies have to be dark wah wah wah... what other stupid s*** can I assume and complain about before seeing the actual movie? now wheres my bottle to suck on?" Ah. Sorry for that mini-rant. Not directed at you... .just, after seeing IM3, I really hope all those jerks deriding it for being 'too dark' before seeing it realize they are flaming morons.
May 7, 2013 2:42 pm SPOILER HERE don't read me... I spoil. Spoiling in 3...2...1... I turned to my friend and said "I wish Pepper could keep her new powers... and become a member of the Avengers!"
May 7, 2013 2:39 pm What kzap said. Only Avenger 2 can attempt to top Avengers... so what needs to be done, and done well w/ IM3, was to take the individual films and take a step back away from Avengers. Whoever's (Kevin Feige?) orchestrating all this is on point for sure.
May 7, 2013 2:34 pm Oh, and also to add... I didnt actually expect him to suddenly lay down a whole career path plan either. Also realized after reading my comment, one way to get into scripting might be to proofread your spelling first. :)
May 7, 2013 2:27 pm You know, I once got Mark Waid's autograph at a Con, it was a while back. I asked him a question and I swear I meant for this question to have more meaning than it did, but I don't think he quite understood and gave me one of the worst replies ever. ME: What would be a good tip for a writer wanting to get into comic book scripting? MW: errr...*SIGH*... you know... Write what you know... ahh... NEXT! Bleh. Ok, so the part about 'next' I made up, but that was kind of his attitude. Which, I don't hold against the guy.. .Cons, for the creators, has got to be an ultimate workout in patience and taxing on sanity. To clarify, I wasn't asking for tips on being a good writer... I was geneuinely perplexed at how writers can break into the business. Its seems more difficult that artists. Artists get the benefit of having something visual and instant to show. A writer has to convince someone to not only sit and read a sample, but visualize it in their heads as well.
April 25, 2013 4:01 pm In the author's possible 2 choices to pull a screen shot and depict a live action version of Daredevil, I believe they made the better choice.
April 25, 2013 3:56 pm Huh. 'Dumbed down' kids Starfire = NO GOOD. 'Adult' promiscuous Starfire = NO GOOD. No one can win, ever, can they?
April 25, 2013 3:47 pm Ok, so this is a lot of specifics, but follow me here: The thumbnail to the above picture, when viewed glancingly on a smallish monitor from far away, looks like Prince, but shaved, with an eyepatch and dual-wielding. "Blouses win". Or, Major Bludd. Maybe. Or, rather, everytime I look up at the picture, I think of Prince. Weird. What I think Arrow is doing well is re-visiting a lot of the characters they introduce. They aren't holding back. Usually a show like this, you get one or 2 characters from the comics and its not until season 2, maybe even 3, before you start seeing a bigger cast. How many seasons of Smallville was there before they really started exploring the DCU? Seeing Huntress return a couple of episodes ago was great, despite the bad acting. This episode would be Deadshot's THIRD appearance in season 1. Vertigo's been involved twice. That's great!
April 18, 2013 2:10 pm Can someone explain how this works again? So, me WANTING to see a woman in tights, with little to no clothes, is demeaning, demoralizing and sexist. Some would say perverted. When a woman puts on said outfit and gets attention, its empowering and self-esteem boosting. So what we're actually saying is that it doesn't matter what the act or outfit is... the only thing that matters when delineating between 'sexist' and 'acceptable' is who chose it in the first place. Its pretty much the female-version of the N-word. Did a black guy say it? Its ok. Did a non-black person say it? RACIST!