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Name: Joseph Iacovone

Bio: Not much to say here. All you need to know is that I love comics, I'm a big fan of what the dynamic trio (plus one) do here, and you can either find me roaming miscellaneous Internet Comic Book forums under the moniker I have here, or you can find me doing my own Comic Book reviewing over at www.aintitcool.comYes, I'm an @$$hole, and I'm proud of it...

HumphreyLee's Recent Comments
September 15, 2009 4:26 am Craaaap. Didn't notice Kindt did this. I don't think I ordered it. Crap crap crap.
August 13, 2009 2:55 am I didn't read all of this because I'm Hardcover waiting (I still can't justify caving to the $4 an issue thing with no extra content) but I'm glad this is the pick. I know the popular one is going to be Blackest Night 2, but I've never read anything like that that's the epitome of a 7/10 issue that people really want to be really excited about (and rightfully so, it's a promising event) and call a 9 or 10/10.
July 21, 2009 9:52 pm Damn you hardcovers!!! Quit coming out!! This and MOUSE GUARD will be my 3rd and 4th of the month!!  Sadly though, my desire for this awesomeness already has become a little diminished due to the awesomeness that was ASTERIOS POLYP. Book of the year, and possibly the half decade. Best thing since PRIDE OF BAGHDAD, let's put it that way.
July 13, 2009 8:42 pm Fuck. Darwyn Cooke's PARKER book got knocked back a week it looks. I was getting really excited for that. Oh well, still got ASTERIOS POLYP to read...
July 5, 2009 9:12 pm I don't know if the Harvey's nominate stuff based on what came out since the last Harvey's (last Oct) or just the year in general, but either way they're nominating ASS based off of either 0 issues, or 3 issues respectively, and I still just don't get it. Not arguing the quality of the book, but I just don't get how you can nominate ANYTHING based off such a small sample of it. It's the one thing that annoys the @#$% out of me about Comic Book Awards. Nothing made my brain want to explode more than when YOUNG AVENGERS got nominated for an Eisner after having put out exactely one issue in the period the awards covered that year. I don't know if they're so desperate to nominate popular mainstream comics to appease fans that they just overlook such things, or they're just that ignorant over what they're doing, but it's kind of a sham in that regard.
June 16, 2009 3:52 am I didn't notice this got the dollar bump. Sorry, but this is dropped. Good, but not $4 good. If I'm going to spend $4 on a Punisher comic, I'll do it when Jason Aaron takes over the MAX title.
April 13, 2009 9:10 pm Yeah, this issue is going to be bigger than normal. More than ten pages even. I think I heard final tally came out to 38 pages, so the $5 is actually a deal given the normal methodology behind pricing...
November 24, 2008 8:32 pm

Just shy of 20 books. Looking forward to Walking Dead and Umbrella Academy: Dallas the most. Sucks I can't get books until next Weds, which I'm sure will have another 15 or so waiting for me. Fucking ugh...

And, while I'm here, seriously, only a handful of people here pull WASTELAND? What the shit? Is it really that overlooked? It's so good, I don't know how that's possible.

And, to the guy above me (KreiderDesigns) the only place to start with WALKING DEAD is at the beginning. Not something you jump into. It'd be like hoping onto 100 Bullets at issue 70. If you want something from this week, get UMBRELLA ACADEMY: DALLAS #1. Given the quality of the last mini, I have no reason to suspect this won't be one of, if not the best, books out this week.

November 11, 2008 1:23 am I didn't pay attention to this when I ordered it. Apparently DC is taking a "because we can" approach to pricing on this for the extra buck. Goddammit, I'd cancel it if the order wasn't already in. As someone may tell by my AXM "column" last week, I'm not a fan of this. Say the price is going up officially, or keep it at $3. I'm going to start making cuts now in anticipation.
October 21, 2008 12:26 am @torippu: It seems perfectly suited for trade reading even though it's well written for issues. The first arc was solid, way more on the above average side, but could have been shorter. The newest two-part story arc was excellent though, and hopefully becomes more indicative of where the series is going with its tales.