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Name: Ethan Dezotelle


Edez's Recent Comments
August 20, 2009 5:35 pm

1. The anticipation (and hopefully reality) of Longbox.

2. Comic book creators on Twitter – what a great way to get behind the curtain. Between CB Cebulski's free and awesome advice, to the hilarity that is Gail Simone, to Chris Samnee's journal sketches, it's an ongoing comic book convention.

3. iFanboy – some of the best comic book buddies I've never met or talked to. Keeping me company in my car, along with ...

4. ... Tom Katers – he's funny as hell and sounds just like my buddy Darren, which is neat.

5. Watching my kids enjoy comics in a totally great, carefree, uncynical way. We should all be like them.

August 19, 2009 9:41 am December 30 is my birthday. I'm taking this whole thing personally.
August 19, 2009 9:32 am

I haven't been able to afford to buy comics regularly for nearly five years now. Longbox will change that, and for that, I am very grateful and excited. Will I still buy the ocassional single issue(s)? Sure. I still buy CDs, but mostly I buy my music digitally. So for me, it'll be the best of both worlds. And you can bet that if I download something on Longbox that I love, I'll be buying the trade eventually so I have that sweet physical presence on my bookshelf.

August 11, 2009 7:10 pm I'd really like to think that this whole incident will mark the day that internet-snarkiness-brought-into-the-real-world jumped the shark. Probably not, though. But I hope so.
August 4, 2009 11:36 am

See, this is something I struggle with, and it's because I'm a tight-ass. It's not so much that I wait for one format or another, but rather if I have a series in one format, I NEED to get the rest of the series in that format. For example, X-Factor. Is this my favorite series in the world? No, but it's pretty enjoyable. I happened to pick up the first three collections in hardcover at a convention for $5 a pop. Great deal. But now, I can't buy paperbacks for the other editions. Just can't do it. Looks funky on my bookshelf.

I got the first Iron Fist trade in paperback and loved it. Bought the second one in hardcover, and it's making me crazy to look at the odd juxtaposition of the two.

On the other hand, there are cases where waiting is justifiable. Sandman is the one that springs to mind. The Absolute editions are recolored, and I like the job they did with that. So when I have the money, I'll get those. UNLESS they do new trades of Sandman with the recoloring. But see, that's more for the recoloring than anything else. Format doesn't matter.

I don't know. What am I saying? Somebody give me some medication.

December 15, 2008 8:38 am

There are lots of different groups and places that need money during this difficult time, and they get my support. That said, iFanboy is something I enjoy greatly, and I'd miss it if it were gone. So supporting you guys is my Christmas present to myself this year. Just gotta wait 'til payday.

Keep up the great work and have a happy holiday season.

September 11, 2008 8:49 pm

Mark Waid was the guy who really created the sense for me that there wasn't just some comic book story generating machine cranking the stuff out every week. He's the first writer that put the idea in my head that I didn't have to stick with a character if I didn't like the story. I could follow the writer instead. Sadly, he also taught me last summer with his return to The Flash that sometimes you can't go home again. I still enjoy some of his other stuff, though.

James Robinson was a big one, too. Starman was the first comic that I felt comfortable sharing with non-comic people and not needing to explain myself.

I guess Garth Ennis is the other one that really sticks out for me. Preacher absolutely blew my mind. I bought it for the Fabry cover, and I remember being pretty sure I was going to go to hell because I read that first issue. Didn't stop me from buying the second one, though.

Can't think of a number four, so I'll add that while it's not a single writer, I have a serious guilty pleasure complex for the Maximum Carnage crossover in Spider-Man back in the early 90s. That was when I was first collecting, and I remember going to the shop each and every week to get each part. Terrible story, but wonderful times.