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Name: Arctic Depths



DepthsOfTheArctic's Recent Comments
June 26, 2013 6:09 am Best bundles: 1. Minutemen/Silk Spectre (9) - Minutemen: art 5, story 5 (Darwyn Cook is a hero, must-read for every Watchmen-fan) - Silk Spectre: art 5, story 3 (Nice way of giving the Watchmen-universe a female perspective) 2. Nite Owl/Dr. Manhattan/Moloch - Nite Owl: art 3, story 4 (Focuses a lot on the relation between Rorschach and Nite Owl, which is nice) - Dr. Manhattan: art 5, story 4 (This is a work of art, one of the most complex and intruiging of the stories) - Moloch: art 4, story 4 (A lot of people hate on this one, but I like the drama of this character) 3. Ozymandias/Crimson Corsair/Dollar Bill - Ozymandias: art 5, story 2 (The story is like a retelling of Watchmen completely, but Jae Lee shines!) - Crimson Corsair: art 4, story 2 (The story is sloppy, though I like the art) - Dollar Bill: art 4, story 3 (Hate it or love this one-sided campy story, I thought it was funny) 4. Comedian/Rorschach - Comedian: art 3, story 1 (The story just drags on and on, art can't save this one) - Rorschach: art 3, story 2 (It's just... mediocre, nothing special to this one)
June 26, 2013 4:38 am Anyone read Birds of Prey #21 already? :)
June 24, 2013 7:20 am This issue was just perfect. I started reading Batwoman since a few months ago and I have to admit that I don't understand a lot of the plotlines and characters yet. Maybe I should start investigating in TP's? Nevertheless I really enjoyed this issue. The writing is pretty nice, but the art.... wow, it just shines. Everyone should pick this issue up for the art alone.
June 18, 2013 2:30 am Looking forward to this! Last issue was really amazing. More than other series Superior Spider-man is feeling like it's really going somewhere. :)
June 16, 2013 4:40 pm Have a lot of faith in this project! Snyder loves slow build-ups, so I guess we just have to wait a little longer for the real sweet stuff.
June 16, 2013 4:39 pm This comic was ok, though I myself was a little more happy with the free issue of All-Star Superman. Man, that comic is awesome! :)
June 16, 2013 4:32 pm Great way to end the Ventriloquist arc. So much happening in a few pages, it was a great ride! The writing in this issue is easily Simone's best on Batgirl so far.
June 16, 2013 4:30 pm Wow, this issue was really boring. The art was nice, but the story was an uninteressting mess. This issue marks my leave from the Captain Marvel series. If they hadn't start these tie-ins...
May 23, 2013 12:34 pm Can't wait to read this issue! But man, I'm still waiting for the constantly delayed #23... I have 24, 25 and 26 lying around here, but it'll take till june till I can finally read 'em... :(
May 23, 2013 12:32 pm Can't wrap my head around this issue. I was kind of expecting to be furious about the things happening in this series, but the further down the rabbit hole we fall, the more I'm actually rooting for Ock. Sorry guys, Slott did win me over.