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Name: Brad MacLean

Bio: Born on the side of Kilimanjaro during a lunar eclipse in a blood rain our hero was annointed by destiny and the old Gods to save the world and bring enlightenment to all... not really caring he commenced reading comics. Little did he know that is what the Gods wanted him to do.

Crucio's Recent Comments
August 3, 2011 5:55 pm I would read the crap out of Maria Hill: Agent of Shield, loved that character pity I couldnt see it going past 6 issues.
August 3, 2011 11:19 am He looks like the guy that could run a newspaper, I see no problem at all. I love him as an actor.
August 3, 2011 11:16 am Thumbs up from me, sounds fun.
August 2, 2011 12:44 pm Can't believe some of the comments in other places, degrades my opinion of humanity. I'll give it a try, but I really liked Peter more importantly I loved Gwen, MJ, Kitty, Bobby, Johnny, Aunt May and the rest, I think Ultimate Peter had the best supporting cast of any comic I've ever read, I'm not being hyperbolic, it was everything not super that made USM great. So I'm a little disappointed they eliminated that constantly evolving dynamic for an entirely new one.
August 1, 2011 7:00 pm Kirby's family can go and make their own money, Jack Kirby deserved more, but he signed contracts and made deals that gave away rights. 

Boycotting Marvel though, there are a lot of artists and writers who would be fired and may have their reputations ruined for having sales tank, a comic book writer is only as good as their sales. Hell a boycott just might make them reboot the 616 and no one wants that.
July 28, 2011 7:06 pm Put her in spartan armour and be done with it. She's always looked best that way imho.
July 28, 2011 6:55 pm Theyre also Trade Marked, just because work past a certain date loses its copyright doesn't mean anyone can use Spider-man, It just means anyone can reproduce the old work. As for the lawsuit, those guys weren't treated fairly but getting screwed by your contract doesn't give you ownership or rights to anything but your paycheck and whats in the contracts. Later artists and writers fought and negotiated for better rights but they still don't own the characters they create when those characters are playing Superman's sandbox. Its why Image et al, are so great for some artists and writers, they can cut there teeth at indies, move on to the big two and then into do some top notch stuff at Image or IDW or some where else and maybe cut a check for mad movie money, with their own IP.
July 21, 2011 1:32 pm I thought the last teaser made the movie look like crap, this though looks excellent.

I watched it twice and the cuts are done to more dramatically show the butchery rather then obfuscate the action to make it seem more fast paced. I really enjoyed the action, I really liked the Bourne Series of movies but everyone has been doing those quick cuts and slightly off camera angles on a wobbly camera for action scenes and I hate them alot. I want to see the action as clearly as possible. 
June 30, 2011 1:50 am I'm of the opinion it isn't just the Comic Stores disappearing that is the main issue. I use to remember a spinner rack in every convenience store and grocery story, Magazine and News Stand, some times in Barber Shops for parents to buy the kids getting haircuts. I remember my first Comic shop was a spinner rack at a 7-11 that I could walk to when I was 8. I remember spinner racks at gas stations and road stops and gift stores. They used to be everywhere. I havn't seen one in ten years and I hate to say it but if an 8 year old has a 5 dollar bill and the choice between 1 comic or a huge bag of nickel candy, nickel candy wins.

I think they priced themselves out of mainstream accumulation. They need to get those apps out and then get people downloading them and freebies through movies and other mainstream stuff is the way to do it, I think in the end the prices may need to get cheaper too.
June 27, 2011 10:03 pm Some mentioned that they're not going to age well. Pretty sure at least Supermans design is Image from the 1990s they've already aged. His old suit was fine. I do like Wonder Woman's clothes though.