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Name: Chad K


Chadonis's Recent Comments
April 6, 2010 8:02 pm It's Deadpool. He will be brought back to life in the next issue and start a Deadpool/X-Men spinoff that you can only purchase if you trade in 10 Brightest Day comics.
April 5, 2010 10:08 pm Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose...
March 24, 2010 9:36 pm This is excellent news. I am very happy I gave G.I. Joe: Cobra a chance after incorrectly assuming it was exactly like the cheesy cartoon from my youth.
March 2, 2010 7:32 pm I can't thank you guys enough for getting me back into comics. Keep up the excellent work!
February 10, 2010 9:59 pm I noticed my copy had wavy pages too. I thought I just had a bad copy but it looks like it is happening to other people as well.
February 1, 2010 6:07 pm Ugh, I made a big mistake buying this.
January 21, 2010 8:20 pm It was a depressing day for me as well when I realized that I was older than some professional athletes. I drafted a player in a fantasy baseball league and thought, "Oh shit, this guy is younger than me!" The idea that I wouldn't be young forever hit me hard that day. I knew it would only be a matter of time before I started complaining about the "crazy kids these days,"  getting colonoscopies, and driving 10 miles an hour under the speed limit.
January 21, 2010 8:08 pm

I can't wait for this to happen. AMC has a great track record and The Walking Dead is the type of story that can do well even if it is constrained by a lower budget on a cable network.

 @mikegraham6 - Like muddi900 said, AMC can get away with more than broadcast stations such as CBS and NBC. They will probably be able to show a good amount of zombie violence but any sex/nudity scenes will be strictly censored because some Americans consider parts of the human body to be "evil".

October 14, 2009 10:11 pm

This was a great and timely article Mike as I just cut my pull list down to 3 issues today. I got back into comics after a long absence earlier this summer, thanks to ifanboy, and was spending anywhere from $20-$50 a week on issues and trades over this time. Fortunately, my wife and I have good jobs and have the disposable income to afford many comics. I still find myself preferring trades over single issues for the following reasons:

1.       I tend to buy my comics and sell them on ebay as soon as the current story arc is finished. I hate collecting things, especially after I moved a few years ago and found out how hard it is to move books and comics. Trades are cheaper on Amazon than single issues at my LCS, as pointed out by Connor in his comments and article listed above. I also find trades tend to sell for more on ebay than single issues of the same story.

2.       I found myself forgetting what happened in previous issues while juggling multiple monthly issues and story lines. Maybe I am just stupid, but this doesn’t happen when I read trades.

3.       I don’t really care about being part of the conversation, which seems to be one of the biggest arguments for buying single issues. I’m content listening to the podcasts and fast forwarding if I REALLY don’t want a certain issue to be spoiled. Fortunately, I find that I forget most of the spoilers mentioned by the time I buy a trade, although it would still be nice if the podcasts contained less spoilers.

4.       I can wait to see how good a story is before I buy it. I hate getting burned paying $3-$5 for issues that are not very good. Trades allow me to read reviews, much like I do before going to a movie, and buy only the most well rated stories. This also helps me avoid impulse buys at my LCS.

I love my LCS and will still get a few issues every month but will buy most of my comics in trade format online in the future. This is unfortunate but I just think it will be more fun for me in the long run.