
Name: isaac dilbert


4iiii's Recent Comments
November 8, 2012 11:29 pm Yeah that's bullshit though, I am one who is all for freedom of doing whatever the hell you want as long as it doesn't bother anyone else but when it comes to personal space and feeling violated it just shouldn't happen. I saw the bullshit some dudes were writing in Molly original article she posted and its bad on me for keeping quiet but the fact that I DO have nieces who want to cos-play one day and go to conventions makes me think that I don't want them subjected to this kind of treatment. Right on Molly, You tell them. Just cause you are dressed a certain way doesn't mean you aren't a person. Its disgusting if this is the mentality that some of these dudes think, and no I am not white knighting right now, I know tons of guys who feel the same way. Always keep it professional, and shes right NO TOUCHING.
October 23, 2012 6:50 pm Yeah instead of the star its the A for ANARCHY. foreshadowing?
October 18, 2012 8:57 am Whats up IfanSpam. but anyway Art is a big selling point for me with books, if I cant get into the art I just really wont dig the story or even focus on it. The art from the Activity is fucking amazing, the art ALONE is worth the price of the book. I cant wait to see more of what Gerads comes up with in the future. The stories are pretty awesome also, all around this is a good buy and at a decent price. People need to focus more on talent like this, in this industry that kind of quality is becoming more and more of a rarity.
October 15, 2012 9:21 pm So I guess any writer who has messed up a character or story arc is terrible and not worth reading ever right? Ok
October 14, 2012 9:20 pm Holy shit they let Tdawg talk.
October 14, 2012 6:16 pm Silly question, is IMAGE slowly turning into an only established creators publisher? That is the word coming out of NYCC that they are going to be focusing on more properties by established pros over the little guys. I hope that isn't so.... however with that said I'm getting all of these haha.
October 13, 2012 10:50 pm Kidding me right? That McNiven cover is awesome.
September 17, 2012 12:54 am I know this is probably going to sound outrageous and stupid. But hey MARVEL, if you ever need some ideas call me. Why don't you guys just have ARCADE setting this whole thing up so he can choose who the next ARCADE is going to be while he retires. Call it AA, Arcades Academy. Boom.
September 13, 2012 1:11 am Call me old fashioned, but Punisher shouldn't be on a team.
August 9, 2012 12:59 am Honestly all this talk about oh he hasnt directed a big budget superhero film before needs to stop...do I need to run down the list? Kenneth Branagh - THOR Jon Favreau - Iron man Christopher Nolan- Batman begins (BEFORE that he did insomnia, memento, following...not really big budget films either) So why are we talking about him not being ready for this? Was Branagh, Favreau or Nolan ready? I mean give the dude a shot if he fails then ok he doesn't come back for a second one. Done.