Article Archive

The Best of the Week in Panels – 04.11.2012

They come from Fantastic Four #605, Glory #25, Secret Avengers #25, Demon Knights #8, Avenging Spider-Man #6, Saga #2, Wolverine #304, & Batman and Robin #8!

Alex Longstreth is Bearded-icated to Basewood

Cartoonist Alec Longstreth decreed that he would cut no hair until he finished his comic, Basewood. He succeed on both accounts.

The Top 5 Comic Book Characters with Facial Hair

Molly pays her homage to No Shave November with the best comic book characters sporting hair on their chinny chin chins!

Could You Rock the Al Ghul? DC and Marvel Comics Beard Style Guides

The best DC Comics beards that aren’t Granny Goodness. UPDATED with Marvel beards.