Review by: lukehopkins

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I know we are not supposed to judge before a story gets going but already i can say what is not working for this book. It’s not the art, it’s not the half and half set up, and really it isn’t the story telling. it’s the story.

If you are going to call the book trinity it needs to be about the relationships. This needs to be a relationship book, not in an SiP way, but in that i need to know why these three are friends, i need to know what makes them a trinity. Why is Wonder Woman friends with Superman and Batman? Batman and superman have a history ( and a book) of fighting crime together, their relationship has been built over a lot of struggles and whatever, so i can see the two of them being friends, though more of why they are is always welcome (what brings a “dark Knight” to hang out with an all powerful boy scout?). Wonder Woman on the other hand, though there is no doubt she belongs with them, has no reason outside her JLA membership to have this special bond.

There should be 4 relationships in this book, being built and explained how and why they work or don’t work. These being Bat-WW, Super-Bat, WW-Super, and Bat-super-WW.

Instead of this we are getting the assumption that they are best friends without that really having been earned in the book and some story in which they will be fighting to save the universe, which is vague and meaningless as we know they will save the day. It’s about some threat or challenge to our characters when it should just be about them themselves and who they are. all the rest is a useless gloss.

Story: 1 - Poor
Art: 3 - Good

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