Review by: Zenogaias84

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Avg Rating: 2.9
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Size: pages
Price: 2.99

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Story: 3 - Good
Art: 3 - Good


  1. I agree that all was pretty average…except for Bagley’s art…solid 5 there.

    Otherwise regarding the main story…I’m ready for more and happily hanging in.  

    The backstory had me wondering why I was supposed to care (I’m not very familiar with the character Tarot), but I’m sure they’ll tell me eventually.

    Overall a 3.257 out of 5 

  2. I flipped through this issue at the store and since the first two didn’t really excite me, I decided against picking it up. If the overall store is good, I’ll definitely pick up the trade.

  3. Wonder Woman looks like a dude with a botched breast augmentation on the front cover.  Plus, don’t see any hips.


    Why am I noticing this?





  4. Yeah, I’m pretty sure that’s Jose Delgado aka Gangbuster, it looks just like him. Like him enough that I called his identity when flipping through the issue before actually reading it.

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