Review by: Fvckstick

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Avg Rating: 3.3
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Price: 2.99

I love Deadpool. And after this issue and last weeks awesome issue [/sarcasm] of Deadpool, i believe Daniel Way is the only person who can write deadpool. Well that is if you want an actual funny, witty Deadpool. I’m sure there are tons of amazing Ultimate Deadpool story arcs just waiting for Diggle to write. So far this crossover arc seems like a cat and mouse situation that seems to be going nowhere.

Bong Dazo’s art is a tricky one for me. At the beginning of the issue, i was really digging it, but towards the end i started to think it was like a political cartoon with over-emphisized characteristics. Not terrible, but not really my cup o’ tea.

Story: 1 - Poor
Art: 3 - Good


  1. Eh I thought it was a little better then a 1….a 2!!

    But I think this plot is going somewhere; it’s just that maybe we didnt need 4 complete issues to tell this? I dont know, at least Deadpool comes out next week. Back to form there.

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