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Size: pages
Price: 3.99
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First off this is my first review of a comic here at iFanboy, but I found this issue really good at tieing up most of the loose ends from this arc from Ennis. I really enjoyed the dark comedy in this issue from the killing of a dog to Schitti and his "Brokeback" moment with his new friend mr. pumpkin. While I agree with most that this could have been solved in about a 4/5 comic arc. I liked how Ennis handled the material in genereal. But, I guess I can spill the story for those who just want that.
Punisher amd Molly get into a huge fire fight with the mob that the cloned Ma Gnuccis have recruited to fight him. This eventually leads to Molly losing all of her clothes due to the building they are fighting in catches fire. Punisher saves Molly's life and in turn gets out of this carnage without getting arrested. This story of the Molly and Punisher fighting make front page news and Molly gets her due for being such a bitch to her girlfriend in the end of it. There is then one cell of the mentioned "Brokeback "scene that ties Schitti's end of the story together. This leads to Punisher finding out who Elitle is, which ends up being the orginal Elite's son. Who plans on recreating other Punisher villans to haunt and torment him. But, it does not get that far and ends the only way a Punisher comic can, a violent death for the bad guy.
The story was very good in that it ends the story arc well and the art was nothing spectacular but it serves the Punisher story well.
Art: 4 - Very Good
I missed a few issue when i realized this was a weekly, Ill have to pick it up in trade. Good review.