Review by: DarthDuck

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Price: 3.99

You could argue that the Punisher is, in fact, worse than
the criminals that he hunts down.  He’s
far from a hero, and takes the idea of the vigilante to a whole new level.  So how could such a character be a focal
point for so many within the MAX universe? 
How can anyone possibly see a reason, in this dark and gritty world, to
argue on the behalf of this man?  To put
it simply, because there is someone worse than the Punisher.  There is someone so evil he automatically
creates a hero out of someone like the Punisher.  Enter the Kingpin.  The story of Wilson Fisk, the man who would
be the Kingpin, is more terrifying than I could’ve imagined.  He’ll do something so evil and disturbing that
I could hardly believe I was still reading it.   Then I kept reading only to see that he was
doing something even worse.  His existence
almost makes the Punisher necessary. 
Jason Aaron has created a dynamic between the Punisher and the ‘Kingpin’
that reminds me of Batman and Joker.  You
read that right.  This series is off to a
fantastic, if disturbing, start and I’m enjoying the ride.

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 5 - Excellent


  1. Totally agree.  I’m loving this so far.  I had originally planned to trade wait but after briefly skimming through the first issue at my LCS, there was no way that could happen. 

    Great review.

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